European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (EJCSIT)

EA Journals


The Role of Cyber Security in Minimizing Crime Rate in Postwar Sierra Leone (Published)

There are numerous benefits one can get from using technological innovations ranging from comfort to minimal cost in telecommunications, health, aviation, commerce, energy, agriculture, intelligence, education via Internet and Internet of things (IoT). However, criminals have over the past decade accelerated highly sophisticated techniques to steal billions of sensitive and costly data either from private individuals, government or corporations costing billions of US dollars globally. Therefore, the research provides awareness as to how these Cybercrimes can be mitigated especially within the scope of Sierra Leone. It largely focuses on the establishment of the Cybercrime Unit at the Central Intelligence Department (CID), and the Office of the National Security (ONS), both units was created by an act of Parliament to secure and protect citizens against imminent cyber criminals within the confirmed of Sierra Leone. These agencies has been able to solve some of the crimes issues but yet still there exist unsolved problems. This is because of lack of many indigenous cyber security experts in the country. Also, the study indicated that the laws governing Cybercrimes are too weak to be able to tackle all the numerous issues relating the internet crime.

Keywords: Cyber Security Crime, Postwar, Sierra Leone, crime rate

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