European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (EJCSIT)

EA Journals


Assessing the Impacts of One-Stop Government Portal on Improvement of Public Service Delivery in Tanzania (Published)

As part of realizing development programmes faster, governments have been adopting modern ICTs and implementing e-government towards better public services. As such, the Government of Tanzania took an initiatives to establish One-Stop Government Portal “the” which provide comprehensive, accurate and reliable one stop source of information about Tanzania. However, the contemporary literature paints a picture of scarce research on the impacts of One-Stop Government implementation initiatives in LDCs. This study aims at assessing the impacts of One-Stop Government Portal on improvement of public service delivery in Tanzania. Findings of the study pointed out that, One-Stop Government Portal significantly improve public service delivery at reduced cost, hence affordable to public service consumers. Specifically, it was found to enhance citizen’s access to information, improved quality of services, save time and procedural fairness. It is therefore recommended that there must be advocacy for awareness and integration of more services to improve service availability.

Keywords: E-government, One-Stop Shop, Public Services

Segmentation Approach to Develop the Use of E-Government Service Ontologies in Iraq Case Study (Published)

We can recognize e- government as an important mean to develop the government’s performance to be more sufficient and active, e-government lead to increment straight forwardness and adequacy in the state association, and in like manner the assignment of e-government is a system of advance that will develop the areas of occupants and agents to appreciate the new economy in view of knowledge and modern technology, applications, and also provides the possibility of citizens and civil society involvement in policy discussions of through coordinate exchange, and to bolster basic leadership, arrangement plan is seen a large portion of the nationals and their needs. There is still a real need to projects that serve all sectors and state institutions efficiently, still most institutions want to use solutions and applications to help in the work and service delivery management, but typically face a range of problems, including designs and studies, infrastructure for the project, licenses installation and operation, implementation and localization, training and support, maintenance and perpetuation and development and enlargement. This paper proposed framework to solve the previous problem of E-government in Iraq.

Keywords: Composite Web Services, E-government, Quality of Service, Saas Service.


The explosive entry of technology into everyday life have changed how people live, work, how companies do their daily business and how governments serve their people. With the help of IT, governments are realizing that, by applying the same principles and technologies that are fueling e- business revolution, they can achieve similar transformation. The result is the emergency of e-governments. This paper will focus on e-government in Sudan. It will provide the general overview of e-government, its importance, types, stages and challenges facing this country in managing e-government. Finally, the study recommended that proper orientation should be given to E-Government adoption and development in Sudan.

Keywords: E-government, E-government challenges in Sudan, Stages of E-government., Sudan

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