European Journal of Biology and Medical Science Research (EJBMSR)

EA Journals

Hydrogen medicine

Protective Effects of Hydrogen Molecule and Labile Iron Removal Therapy against Nephrotoxicity by Cis-Platin (Published)

Many facts are demonstrating that the protective effect of the hydrogen molecule against the nephrotoxicity induced by cis-platin should be attributed to that H2 molecule decomposes the peroxide adduct of the iron(III) species, which has been demonstrated to be highly electrophilic, and proposed to be an intrinsic active species to induce nephrotoxicity induced by the several iron(III) chelates, and that labile iron removal therapy by the use of our super-polyphenols should be very useful to depress the side-effects induced by cis-platin. .

Keywords: Cis-Platin, Hydrogen medicine, Labile Iron Removal Therapy., Nephrotoxicity


Abnormally high levels of non-transferrin-bound iron ions (NTBI), or labile iron ion, have been demonstrated in a number of neurodegenerative disorders including dementia, Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and oxidative stress due to NTBI is believed to be associated with neuronal death in these diseases. We have prepared the new iron chelators, so-called super-polyphenols, in order to delete these dangerous NTBI. Our super-polyphenols are characterized by the following four points, i.e., 1) the super-polyphenols are water-insoluble, but can catch iron(III) ion in the aqueous solution with ease, 2) their iron (III) chelates are also water-insoluble, 3) these are not metabolized in the human body due to its insolubility in water and its polymeric structure (MW~90,000), and 4) they do not interact with the iron ions in the transferrin. Since our super-polyphenols can excrete only NTBI effectively from the plasma and give no damage to human body, our super-polyphenols may be one of the most important substances for labile iron removal therapy, including the prevention of dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and also for the enhancement of longevity

Keywords: Hydrogen medicine, Longevity, NTBI, Super-polyphenols