European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals

The Principles of Timeline Event Series: The Theory That Births Legends


According to the Principle of Timeline Event Series, critical life-altering events, whether natural or intentional, have a substantial impact on the trajectory of individuals and enterprises. This study investigates the transformational potential of such occurrences, focusing on the cause-and-effect relationships that affect outcomes. Individuals and organizations may strategically manage their pathways to desired goals by identifying and comprehending these critical times. The integration of time series analysis models creates a solid foundation for forecasting and controlling the effect of these occurrences, hence improving strategic decision-making and planning. This article emphasizes the necessity of accepting change, capitalizing on crucial events for growth, and applying time series analysis in forecasting and strategic planning through a thorough literature review and discussion. The findings highlight the importance of strategic planning and adaptation in attaining long-term success and establishing lasting legacies. Future research paths are proposed to improve and broaden the applicability of this idea across various fields.


Keywords: Business, Management, Technology, strategic decision making, time series analysis, timeline event series, transformative potential

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Impact Factor: 7.79
Print ISSN: 2053-4019
Online ISSN: 2053-4027

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