European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals

human resource flexibility

Competency Assessment and Human Resource Flexibility: A Conceptual Review, (Published)

This paper discussed the relationship between competency assessment and human resource flexibility. The objectives of the paper were to examine the roles dimensions such as technical, behavioural and leadership competency assessment play in outcomes of human resource flexibility. As a seminar paper, a theoretical design was adopted in the structure and approach towards assessing the variables. The review of literature was premised within the knowledge-based theoretical framework which advocate a focus on advancing knowledge systems and processes in understanding and conditioning competency of the workforce as a basis for driving outcomes such that human resource flexibility for improved organizational competitiveness and adaptability. Following the review, the study observed as its findings that the stated dimensions of competency assessment contribute toward the actualization of human resource flexibility; it was stated in conclusion that related actions and processes of competency assessment are critical to the quality, responsiveness and effectiveness of the organization’s human resources, advancing flexibility features necessary for survival and well-being. It was recommended that organizations emphasize and advance necessary policies for improved features and conditions which drive and advance outcomes of human resource flexibility.

Citation:Victor Barinua and Idayingi Ibinye Fubara (2022) Competency Assessment and Human Resource Flexibility: A Conceptual Review, European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, Vol.10, No.2, pp. 79-95

Keywords: competency assessment, human resource flexibility, knowledge-based theory

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