European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals


Financial Literacy and Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Abuja, Nigeria (Published)

Many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) failed because they lack financial knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and influence to be a successful entrepreneur, those that are successful are traced with insufficient business acuity, as well as basic accounting knowledge, undermines entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, this study examined financial literacy and performance of SMEs in Abuja, Nigeria. The study used survey method in achieving the objectives through the use of primary data collection. Questionnaire were administered to 550 respondents in all the six areas council of Abuja, Nigeria while 469 was usable and analysed for the study. The data analysis method used was multiple regression due to the nature of the data collected. The findings from the study revealed that respondents have adequate financial knowledge of their various businesses as such impact positively on their businesses in Abuja, Nigeria. Also, it was revealed that financial behavior of SMEs owners in Abuja had a positive significant impact on their businesses performance. However, financial attitudes of the business owners and operators in Abuja improves the performance of their businesses. It was revealed from the analysis of the study that the financial influence of the SMEs owners contributed at a low rate to the performance of their businesses in Abuja. The study concluded that financially literacy of SMEs owners in Abuja contributed positively to the growth of their businesses. The study recommended that government agencies along with micro finance institutions and deposit money banks should organize financial education programmes that will create more awareness and growth on areas that are lacking in financial literacy.

Keywords: Abuja, Businesses., Economy, Financial literacy, Performance

Effect of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance of Listed Agricultural Firms in Nigeria (Published)

Policy redirection has been supported as the way out of the display development challenges confronting the nation. The objective of the paper is to survey the effect of macroeconomic stuns on the development of Nigeria economy. The theory appears the whether macroeconomic stuns have critical effect on the Nigeria financial development. This think about embraced Akaike Data Model (AIC) to decide the ideal slack combination for the ARDL. The slack combination with the slightest esteem of the chosen basis among the competing slack orders is considered the ideal slack. Discoveries uncovered the impacts of monetary arrangement factors on financial development of Nigeria are found to be noteworthy both within the long run and brief run particularly the center financial approach factors like government expenditure and government income conjointly affirmed the defenselessness of the Nigerian economy to outside stuns. The paper concludes that out of the two major financial arrangement factors, government income has more critical relationship with Nigerian financial development. The development rate of Nigeria is more connected to government income than expenditure. Suggestion appears that Nigerian government ought to input approaches that will upgrade nearby yield, this will diminish the helplessness of the economy to outside stuns.


Keywords: Economy, Growth, Nigeria, macroeconomic shocks

Impact of Macroeconomic Shocks on the Growth of Nigeria Economy (Published)

Policy redirection has been supported as the way out of the display development challenges confronting the nation. The objective of the paper is to survey the effect of macroeconomic stuns on the development of Nigeria economy. The theory appears the whether macroeconomic stuns have critical effect on the Nigeria financial development. This think about embraced Akaike Data Model (AIC) to decide the ideal slack combination for the ARDL. The slack combination with the slightest esteem of the chosen basis among the competing slack orders is considered the ideal slack. Discoveries uncovered the impacts of monetary arrangement factors on financial development of Nigeria are found to be noteworthy both within the long run and brief run particularly the center financial approach factors like government expenditure and government income conjointly affirmed the defenselessness of the Nigerian economy to outside stuns. The paper concludes that out of the two major financial arrangement factors, government income has more critical relationship with Nigerian financial development. The development rate of Nigeria is more connected to government income than expenditure. Suggestion appears that Nigerian government ought to input approaches that will upgrade nearby yield, this will diminish the helplessness of the economy to outside stuns.

Keywords: Economy, Growth, Nigeria, macroeconomic shocks

Repositioning Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigerian Economy: Analysis of Issues and Challenges (Published)

This paper highlighted and discussed issue and challenges on repositioning small and medium enterprises in Nigerian economy. The small and medium scale enterprises are essential element in providing a solid base for a country economic development. The small and medium scale enterprises produce goods and services for both end and intermediate users and also utilize low capital cost for creating jobs especially in a fast growing services sector of the economy. Some of the issues and challenges that militate against the operations of Small and Medium enterprises in Nigeria are; Multiple taxation, poor management, financial problems, inadequate information base, location etc. Government over the years has formulated a number of policies aimed at developing small and medium Enterprises. While most policies actually failed due to poor implementation, others however, succeeded. The following recommendations among others are suggested by the authors; Policies initiated by the government should be funded efficiently. Government and financial institution should develop a holistic approach to schemes initiated by them. Nigerian should encourage locally made goods and government should continue to make SMEs a central focus of industrial policy in order to achieve economic growth and development.

Keywords: Economy, Small and Medium Enterprise, issues and challenges

Repositioning Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigerian Economy: Analysis of Issues and Challenges (Published)

This paper highlighted and discussed issue and challenges on repositioning small and medium enterprises in Nigerian economy. The small and medium scale enterprises are essential element in providing a solid base for a country economic development. The small and medium scale enterprises produce goods and services for both end and intermediate users and also utilize low capital cost for creating jobs especially in a fast growing services sector of the economy. Some of the issues and challenges that militate against the operations of Small and Medium enterprises in Nigeria are; Multiple taxation, poor management, financial problems, inadequate information base, location etc. Government over the years has formulated a number of policies aimed at developing small and medium Enterprises. While most policies actually failed due to poor implementation, others however, succeeded. The following recommendations among others are suggested by the authors; Policies initiated by the government should be funded efficiently. Government and financial institution should develop a holistic approach to schemes initiated by them. Nigerian should encourage locally made goods and government should continue to make SMEs a central focus of industrial policy in order to achieve economic growth and development.

Keywords: Economy, Small and Medium Enterprise, issues and challenges

The Impact of E-Banking on Efficient Service Delivery to Customers in Nigeria Economy (Published)

The advent of service areas like financial advisory services, funds transfers and international trade among others helps propel Nigeria banks into the development of new and improved service delivery channels. Information and communication technology (ICT) rapidly emerged as the platform for building integrating and communicating effective service to customers. Today in Nigeria servers, personal computers and local / wide area networks have taken a firm foot as the minimum requirement for rendering credible and effective banking services. Adenuga (2003), the recent trends in Information Technology (IT) are becoming central to the process of economic development. IT offers new ways of exchanging information, transacting business, changes the nature of the financial and other services sectors and provides efficient means of using the human and institutional capabilities of countries in both the public and private sectors.  IT can be applied to every conceivable activity; from collecting taxes to bank management, complex scientific and technical problems.

Keywords: Bank, Customers, Economy, Fund Transfer, ICT, services

The Knowing-Doing-Gap and the Role of the Entrepreneurial University in the Development of the Knowledge Economy (Published)

The focus of this research is to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, which is known as (The Knowing-Doing-Gap); especially in the fields of new technologies. Although there are many discussions on this issue from a micro perspective – for example, Braun – focusing on a managerial approach in dealing with new knowledge, other researchers focused on the problem at the macro level introduced by Röpke. This research explores both approaches, Röpke’s and Braun’s, to find solutions for the Knowing-Doing-Gap problem on both levels, the Micro and the Macro. The research explored both methodologies and found that both approaches complement each other in providing a general solution to Knowing-Doing-Gap through transforming universities into entrepreneurial universities

Keywords: Development, Economy, Entrepreneurial University, Knowing Doing Gap


The period after World War II was marked by an upsurge in migration from the rural to urban areas in both developed and developing countries. During this period, colonies of Africa, Asia, and Central America achieved independence during the 1950s and1960s. Together, these factors contributed to the emergence of what is known as the shadow economy. Shadow economy is an active component of the majority, if not all, of the world’s economies, though its size and measurements appears to vary considerably among countries. Researchers argued that underground economy should be included in GDP to the extent possible, given the obviously incomplete picture generated by ignoring such activity. The growing concerns about shadow economy have led many economists to the challenging and difficult task of its measurement and size, to trace back its main causes, and to analyze its interactions with the official economies. It seems unlikely that robust estimators can be developed without a clear understanding of both the underlying economic theory describing how shadow economies come about and what drives the level of activity in each component sector of any economy

Keywords: Economy, Measuring Shadow, Policy Makers, Virtuous

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