European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals

Data Insights

Demystifying Big Data: A Holistic Approach to Understanding, Processing, and Utilizing Data (Published)

The era of Big Data has ushered in a paradigm shift in the way information is generated, collected, and analyzed. This research paper, “Demystifying Big Data,” presents a comprehensive and holistic approach to unravel the complexities surrounding the vast expanse of data that characterizes our modern world. By examining the fundamental principles, challenges, and opportunities associated with Big Data, this paper aims to provide a roadmap for understanding, processing, and effectively utilizing the immense volumes of information available. The study begins by elucidating the key components of Big Data, including its volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value. By delving into these dimensions, we offer readers a nuanced perspective on the multifaceted nature of Big Data, challenging prevalent misconceptions and fostering a deeper comprehension of its inherent characteristics. In doing so, we provide a solid foundation for professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts to navigate the intricate landscape of data analytics.

Keywords: Big Data, Data Insights, Data Streams, Digital Innovation

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