European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research (EJAFR)

EA Journals


Floristic Structure and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Acacia Senegal (L.) Willd. (Fabaceae) Improved Fallows in Far North Region of Cameroon (Published)

Agroforestry systems through their capacity to sequestrate carbon can contribute to climate change mitigation. This study aimed to evaluate the carbon storage potential of improved fallows with Acacia senegal in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Three categories of fallow were defined according to the planting age. The biomass of trees, bushes, and herbaceous was estimated in 21 sample plots. Soil carbon was also estimated. 08 woody species belonging to 4 families were identified. The most abundant species was Acacia senegal with 97 % of the individuals. Carbon stocks registered are 80.17 ± 33.64 tC ha-1 in the 7-11years old fallows, 101.10 ± 14.19 tC ha-1 in fallows of 12-16 years and 103.96 tC ha-1 in those over 17 years old. Soil is the main carbon reservoir with values ranging from 67.78 tC ha-1 to 89.24 tC ha-1. Statistical test shows that there is no significant difference between carbon stocked with the different ages (P > 0.05). The amount of CO2 absorbed gives an ecological value of $ 2942.24 ± 1234.77 ha-1 for fallows aged 7-11 years; $ 3710.37 ± 520.77 ha-1 for fallows aged 12-16 years and $ 3815.33 ± 947.60 ha-1 to those over 17 years. Improved fallows with Acacia senegal have good carbon sequestration potential and their inclusion in environmental services payments under the clean development mechanism would represent an opportunity to revive the creation of Acacia senegal plantations.

Keywords: Acacia Senegal, Cameroon, Carbon, Environmental Service, Improved Fallow

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