European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research (EJAFR)

EA Journals


Determination of the Effect of Agro-Inputs Utilization on Yield and Income of Community-Based Natural Resource Management Rice Farmers in Cross River State, Nigeria (Published)

This study determined the effect of agro-inputs utilization on yield and income of community-based Natural Resource Management Programme (CBNRMP) Rice Farmers in Cross River State, Nigeria.  The specific objectives of the study were to: assess the socio-economic characteristics of rice farmers under CBNRMP, identify the agro-inputs made available to rice farmers through their service providers, etc.  Data were obtained from primary and secondary sources for the purpose of this study. The results revealed that 70% of the respondents were males, 40% of the respondents were within the age range of 41-51years.  Majority (90%) of the respondents were married, 85% of the respondents have formal education and majority of the respondents belong to farmers’ cooperatives.  The t-test analysis of the effects of agro-inputs utilization on yield and income of CBNRMP rice farmers were significant. Increased government supports for mobilization of rice farmers for participation and sustained provision of agro-inputs were therefore recommended.

Keywords: Agro-Inputs, Income, Utilization, Yield