European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research (EJAAFR)

EA Journals

Tax Policies and Urban Regeneration in Nasarawa State


This study examines the relationship between tax policies and urban regeneration in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Using primary data from 450 respondents across various stakeholder groups, the study analyzes awareness, understanding and the perceived impact of tax policies on urban redevelopment. Findings reveal that while awareness of tax policies is high (76%), understanding remains uneven and corruption (70%) is the biggest challenge hindering effectiveness. Ground rent is the most commonly applied tax (63%), while subsidies (58%) are seen as the most effective incentive for urban renewal. The study recommends policy transparency, simplified regulations, and increased public participation in tax policy formulation to enhance urban regeneration efforts.

Keywords: policy transparency, public participation, tax policies, urban redevelopment, urban regeneration

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Impact Factor: 7.77
Print ISSN: 2053-4086
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