Due to the immense contribution of commercial banks to the economic development in Nigeria, this research investigate the impact of macroeconomic variables on profitability of banks in Nigeria from 1990-2013. Pooled Ordinary least method is used to determine the effect of three major factors; gross domestic product (GDP), interest rate (INTR) and inflation (INFR) on return on equity (ROE) which proxies’ profitability. The findings from the empirical point of view show a positive relationship of gross domestic product (GDP) with return on equity (ROE). Interest rate and inflation rate have a negative relationship with return on equity (ROE). Gross domestic product have a significant positive effect on Return on equity(ROE) while interest rate have a significant negative effect on return on equity(ROE) but inflation is not significant at all levels of significance.
Keywords: Commercial Banks in Nigeria, Macroeconomic Variable, Profitability