European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research (EJAAFR)

EA Journals

Architecture Strategy

Capital Strategy Architecture to Optimize RDB’S Role: Case Study Of Bank Sumsel Babel (Published)

The Adequate capital capacity of Regional Development Bank (RBD) is needed in achieving the foresight vision of banking industry. RDB is expected to become a leader in its region the largest, best, and strongest bank group especially in the national banking industry. This study aimed to identify the financial performance of Bank Sumsel Babel (BSB) as one of RDB in Indonesia in optimizing its capital using descriptive analysis, to analyze factors affecting capital adequacy of BSB used environmental scanning and to formulate BSB capital strategies used foresight analysis that is designed on BSB’s capital architecture strategy in optimizing its role as agent of regional development. As the result, there were six main strategies namely strengthening the organization, getting additional share deposits from local government, generating higher revenues, increasing the third party funds (TPF), issuing subordinate obligation, and selling the share to the public (Initial Public Offering).

Keywords: Architecture Strategy, BSB, Capital, RDB’s role, foresight industry

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