British Journal of Psychology Research (BJPR)

EA Journals

Knowledge on Prevention of Human Papiloma Viruses in Adolescents of the City of Mexico, 2020


In the 2019, health is a mix of interactions between economic, biological, ethnographic, cultural and social processes, elements that have determined an integral development. Meanwhile, in the not health process it is been associated with multiple contributions related to the style, conditions and way of life of each individual and population. The prolongation of life is a consequence of global scientific development together with state, social and cultural measures that have allowed an increase in life expectancy. This investigation article is based on findings that were related to a group of adolescents and young people from Mexico City, which describe the little knowledge they have about the Human Papillomavirus and the development of Cervical Cancer, it was also identified that the population under study presents high risk behaviors, which highlights the importance of integrating effective prevention actions.

Keywords: Factors, Knowledge, Risk, Teenagers, human papillomavirus

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