British Journal of Psychology Research (BJPR)

EA Journals


Development and Validation of the Intrapersonal Peace Scale (Published)

This work reports on a new scale, the Intrapersonal Peace Scale. The report is in four phases: Initial validation of the scale, involving 303 undergraduates; Confirmatory Factor Analysis, involving 2, 677 community sample; Concurrent validity of the scale, involving 77 undergraduates, and Norms, age and gender differences in intrapersonal peace, involving 5009 respondents. The author used Factor and Item Analyses, Pearson correlation coefficients and Analysis of Variance for data analysis. The Scale has three factors. The factors are: 1. Intrapersonal Harmony, 2. Intrapersonal Disequilibrium, and 3. Intrapersonal Dissonance. The three factors were confirmed via Confirmatory Factor Analysis with good indices. The scale correlated significantly with various constructs, namely: anxiety, depression, psychological wellbeing, spiritual intelligence and assertiveness, and there are age and gender differences in intrapersonal peace. The new scale, which is a major contribution to peace research, can be used in clinical and research contexts to evaluate people’s inward peacefulness.

Citation: Euckie Udo Immanuel (2022) Development and Validation of the Intrapersonal Peace Scale, British Journal of Psychology Research, Vol.10, No.1, pp. 36-51


Keywords: : Scale, Peace, Reliability, intra-personal, validity

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