Relationship between Green Product Packaging and Organizational Performance in Kenya: Empirical Review (Published)
This study aims to explore the relationship between green product packaging and organizational performance by conducting an empirical review. It seeks to draw comparisons between the advancements made in developed nations and the progress observed in developing economies, shedding light on the varying dynamics and outcomes across these contexts. The paper applies a desktop research design that reviews the empirical literature relating green product packaging to organizational performance. The empirical review is therefore carried out on the Google Scholar platform. Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” are used in searching for the reviewed articles published between January 2020 and July 2024. The keywords are searched and used in relation to Boolean operators. This contribution shall therefore be a novelty to the theory, practice, and policy that may enable an organization to offer solutions on issues related to green product packaging and organizational performance in sub-Saharan Africa.
Keywords: Green, Organizational Performance, Packaging, Product
The Role of Packaging in Consumer Buying Behavior: A Case of Selected Small-Scale Entrepreneurs in Arusha City (Published)
This study sought to examine the role of packaging among the small-scale entrepreneurs in consumer buying behavior in Arusha City. The study used a quantitative approach to collecting and analyzing data from a total of 219 respondents. Closed-ended questionnaires were used to collect data. The findings revealed that the label of the package is important in the decision buying process, the quality of the packaging material is important during the buying process and packaging color impacts consumer behavior during the buying process. Society culture, business culture, customer’s family culture, and customer’s lifestyle culture were important factors towards customers buying behavior. Finally, the study revealed that the existence of the relationship between the small-scale entrepreneurs packaging practices and the buying behavior of consumers in Arusha City was a factor for small-scale entrepreneurs in the study area to compete with other products from outside the country. The study recommended that small-scale entrepreneurs in Arusha City should be creative and innovative in terms of packaging. It was also recommended that the Government through the Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO) should train the small-scale entrepreneurs in Arusha City on packaging related matters to promote customer buying behavior.
Keywords: Packaging, consumer buying behaviour, small-scale entrepreneurs
Packaging Attributes and Consumer Patronage of Beverages in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria (Published)
The study was carried out to determine the relationship between packaging attributes and consumer patronage of beverages in Akwa Ibom State. The survey research design was used for this study. Data for the study were obtained through questionnaire administered to 385 respondents across the three senatorial districts in Akwa Ibom State. A multi-stage sampling technique – stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the respondents for this study. A total of 376 copies of questionnaire were retrieved and used for the analysis. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested at the 0.05 level of significance. Data obtained for the study were analyzed using tables, frequency and percentage while hypotheses were tested using multiple linear regression. The findings revealed that there is significant positive relationship between design of wrapper, printed information, packaging size, packaging innovation and consumer patronage of beverages in Akwa Ibom State. This implies that when there is an improvement in design of wrapper, printed information, packaging size and packaging innovation, there will be significant positive influence on consumer patronage of beverages. It was concluded that packaging plays an important role in the marketing of beverages and can be treated as one of the vital components of product that influence consumer patronage. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that attention should be given to the overall improvement of design of wrapper, printed information, packaging size and packaging innovation by beverage manufacturing firms in offering their products to the target market.
Keywords: Packaging, consumer patronage of beverages, design of wrapper, packaging innovation, packaging size, printed information
Influence of Packaging on Consumers’ Buying Behaviour of Soft Drinks in Accra, Ghana (Published)
The study assesses the influence of packaging on consumers’ buying behaviour of soft drinks in Accra, Ghana. The objective of the study was to examine the forms of packaging used by the soft drink industry in Accra, Ghana; to find out the relationship between packaging and consumer buying behaviour in the soft drink industry in Accra, Ghana and to determine the elements of packaging influencing consumer buying behaviour in the soft drink industry in Accra, Ghana. The study adopted the survey design. Data were gathered from a convenient selected sample of 220 soft drink consumers in Accra, Ghana using a structured interview guide and data analyses carried out using SPSS version 20. The findings of the study revealed plastic bottles packaging ranked first, aluminium cans packaging ranked second, paper packaging ranked third and glass bottle packaging ranked fourth as forms of packaging used by the soft drink industry in Accra, Ghana. At another level, the study shows a significant relationship between packaging and consumer buying behaviour. Based on the findings, the study recommends the soft drink industry in Accra, Ghana to concentrate on the use of plastic, aluminium can and paper as forms of packaging to influence consumers’ buying behaviour whilst reducing the use of glass bottle packaging. Also, It is recommended that packaging should be given utmost priority by soft drink producers in Accra since it has a significant relationship with consumer buying behaviour; can act as a ‘silent salesperson’, helping consumers by bringing a particular brand to their attention
Keywords: Packaging, consumer buying behaviour, soft drinks
Effectiveness of Product Packaging on Customer Patronage of Bournvita in Ekiti State (Published)
The study examined the effectiveness of product packaging on customer patronage. Survey method was adopted. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and purposive sampling was used to determine respondents. Sample size of 322 was used. Collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics and hierarchical multiple regression. Constructs tested as explanatory variables were product size, colour, quality of packaging material, quality of product content and shape. The results showed that all the tested variables have significant positive effects on customer patronage of Bournvita. In order of significant, the R2 change, in order of hierarch, for the variables was: product size =.215, quality of packaging material =.058, colour = .049, shape =.044, and quality of product content = .028. It was concluded that customer decision to patronise could be influenced by taken into consideration size, colour, package material, product content and shape of a product. Based on these findings, it is recommended, among others, that producing different sizes of the product should be a continuous practice that firm should undertake. As well, producers should consciously adopt colours suitable and capable of appealing to customer interest and consequently influence their choice of a product by mere sighting of the package colour.
Keywords: Colour, Customer patronage, Packaging, Size, packaging material, quality of product content and shape
The study examined the effect of packaging on the patronage of toothpaste among consumers in Ado-Ekiti metropolis, Nigeria. A total of 320 questionnaires were administered to respondents who were customers to eight most popular supermarkets through purposive sampling technique. Pearson-moment correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between packaging information and patronage of toothpaste. Multiple regression was used to determine the influence of packaging attributes on patronage of toothpaste. The result revealed that among packaging information available on toothpaste products, expiry date, NAFDAC number and nutritional composition had the strongest relationship with patronage. The packaging attributes with highest influence were quantity, quality, and colour. The study recommended that manufacturers should place on their products only relevant information that will influence purchase decision. Furthermore, as families are growing, companies should be innovative to produce family size toothpaste tubes that will be cost saving for the consumers.
Keywords: Packaging, Packaging attributes, Packaging information, Patronage