British Journal of Marketing Studies (BJMS)

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brand loyalty

Investigating the Effects of Celebrity Endorsement Dimensions on Brand Loyalty in the Telecommunication Industry of Ghana (Published)

The study aims to investigate the effects of celebrity endorsement dimensions on brand loyalty in the telecommunication industry of Ghana. The descriptive design was adopted to explain the relationships between the independent variables (source credibility, source attractiveness and source expertise) and the dependent variable (brand loyalty). Questionnaire was used to solicit data from 384 customers of three telecommunication firms (i.e. MTN, AirtelTigo and Vodaphone) in Accra, Ghana. The SPSS version 23 was employed for data analysis. Findings of the study showed a significant relationship between source credibility and brand loyalty in the telecommunication industry of Ghana and also a significant positive relationship between source attractiveness and brand loyalty in the telecommunication industry of Ghana. Managerial implications, limitations of the study and direction for future studies are presented

Keywords: Celebrity endorsement, Telecommunication, brand loyalty, celebrity dimensions

Service Quality and Brand Loyalty of Banks in Bayelsa State of Nigeria (Published)

Citation: Lyndon M. Etale and Emmanuel N. Jerry (2022) Service Quality and Brand Loyalty of Banks in Bayelsa State of Nigeria, British Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 10, Issue 1, pp.47-63

The study was embarked upon with the aim of determining the nature of the relationship between service quality and brand loyalty of banks in Bayelsa State of Nigeria, and this was done using responsiveness and reliability as dimensions of service quality and brand advocacy as a measure of brand loyalty, bringing about two research questions and study hypotheses which was put to the test by the use of the Pearson correlation coefficient method with the aid of SPSS software. The study adopted the descriptive design and used a questionnaire as a means of gathering data from the customers of selected banks in Bayelsa State amounting to a total of 140, but a total of 130 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and used for the analysis of data which informed the conclusion and findings of the research. The study revealed a significant relationship between both reliability and responsiveness as dimensions of service quality and brand advocacy as a measure of brand loyalty. The study therefore concluded that there is a significant relationship between the variables and thus made the following recommendations; Banks should give prompt and quick response to its customers‟ compliant by creating a simple and fast compliant handling system; Banks must let its customers feel safe and secured in any transaction; Banks should create a strong feedback system that enables them to relate effectively with customers and understand them better; Banks should fasten their service processes.

Keywords: Reliability, Responsiveness, Service Quality, brand advocacy, brand loyalty

Determinants of Brand Loyalty among Consumers’ in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry in the Faculty of Management Sciences, Akwa Ibom State University, Nigeria (Published)

The main objective of this study was to examine the determinants of brand loyalty among mobile telecommunication consumers in the Faculty of Management Sciences, Akwa Ibom State University. The survey research design was adopted for the study. The primary data were obtained through questionnaire administered to 175 respondents using simple random sampling technique and a total of 145 copies of questionnaire were retrieved for data analysis. Four hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance and the data for the study were analyzed using tables, frequency, percentage and Pearson Correlation.The findings of the study revealed that service quality, price, promotion, and network coverage have significant relationship with brand loyalty among subscribers of mobile telecommunication service. Based on this,it was recommended among others that mobile telecommunication service providers should ensure continuous improvement on service quality to attract subscribers’ interest to their network.

Keywords: Consumers, Price, Service Quality, brand loyalty, mobile telecommunication service providers., network coverage

Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty, an Empirical Study in Indonesia Consumers (Published)

ABSTRACT: Brand loyalty has become an important issue in marketing. There are many research has been conducted to examine this issue. Brand loyalty is part of relationship marketing.  In the theory of relationship marketing, there is a strong correlation between brand loyalty, trust in a brand and commitment.  This research analyses the effects of brand reputation, brand predictability, brand satisfaction, brand liking, brand experience, trust in the company and brand competence to brand loyalty, with trust in a brand as a mediating variable. This model use a model proposed by Lau and Lee (2000). Lau and Lee (2000) use this model to measure consumer’s loyalty in a low involvement product. This research uses a different setting. My setting is in a high involvement product, which is cellular phone consumer. This research uses non-random sampling methods (convenience sampling) in order to gain data. I collect 150 respondent, but only 134 questionnaires are complete. After conduct an out layer test I have only 109 respondent left to analyze. To analyze the data, this research uses hierarchical regression analyses. The result shows that only to variables have significant effect to brand loyalty, they are consumer’s trust in a company and brand satisfaction. While, the hypotheses that trust in brand is a mediating variable is support.  The managerial implications of this research are, first, a company which produces a high involvement product must conduct an effective marketing communication with their costumer. Second, a company should increase their service so that consumer’s will satisfy with their brand.

Keywords: Brand, Brand Satisfaction, Brand Trust, brand loyalty


Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty have been addressed as marketing goals for many companies. Marketing professionals consider loyalty to be a multidimensional phenomenon. Despite the findings of many researches that satisfaction has a significant favorable impact on brand loyalty and a true re-purchase behavior of same brand leads to long term business profits. Therefore, this study investigated the impact of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty for durable goods. The author used primary data in this study and for this purpose a survey has been conducted through a structured questionnaire. The view of 300 middle class households or business people were recorded. Our study results show that the customer satisfaction has significant factor that affect brand loyalty.

Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Pakistan, brand loyalty, home appliances

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