British Journal of Environmental Sciences (BJES)

EA Journals

Housing Supply

Significant Demographic Factors Fuelling Housing Deficit in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria (Published)

This article assesses the significant demographic factors fuelling housing deficit in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Using a mixed method approach as survey design coupled with a combination of purposive and stratified sampling technique, 1254 households were selected for administration of questionnaires during data collection process. Questionnaires, interviews were the major instruments of data collection from seven residential development corridors (RDCs) in Ado-Ekiti. Ministries, Agencies and Departments (MDAs) supported secondary data. Findings revealed that high population growth, rapid urbanisation and migration increased housing deficit in the study area. Hence, this study observed an increase in live births (162, 901) than deaths (45, 046) in Ado-Ekiti. Also, findings revealed an increase in building concentration (57.7%) from 2000-date. Similarly, this study observed an increase in challenges such as urban sprawl and infrastructure deficiency (L-INFRA) encountered as a result of rapid urbanisation.  The study noted an increase in quantitative housing deficit (223,086) in 2023. Thus, a quantitative housing deficit of 334,554 housing units would arise in 2034.Furthermore, sharing of dwellings with other households (SHAD), a resultant effect of high migration trends constituted 43.4 percent across the RDCs in Ado-Ekiti. Also, improved infrastructural facilities (33.8%) was the modal reason for staying (RESTAY) in the study area. Using Paired T-test, this study further validated that a perfect positive relationship (1.000) exists between population growth and housing deficit in Ado-Ekiti. Therefore, this study recommends adoption of effective Family Planning Methods (FPMs), regional distribution of infrastructural facilities and conversion of under-utilised lands for an efficient housing delivery in Ado-Ekiti.

Keywords: Demographic Factors, Housing, Housing Supply, housing deficit, housing demand

Sources of Funds Available To Private Investors for Housing Development In Nigeria (Published)

Housing has been universally recognized as one of the most essential necessities of humans and is a major economic asset in every nation. Adequate housing provides the foundation for stable communities and social inclusion. There is a significant association between housing conditions and physical and mental health of an individual. People’s right to shelter is thus a basic one and the provision of decent housing to all requiring it should be the hallmark of every civilized society and one of the criteria for assessing the extent of a nation’s development. However, the provision of adequate housing in Nigeria and other developing nations alike still remains one of the most intractable challenges facing the nations. Previous attempts by all stakeholders, including government agencies, planners and developers to provide necessary recipe for solving the housing problem have yielded little or no success. Fund, a basic ingredient for housing development, has to be made easily accessible to investors in housing development if the problem of housing delivery is to be tackled at the root. This paper therefore exposes the various sources of funds available to private housing developers which can be harnessed to enhance housing supply in Nigeria.

Keywords: Housing Fund, Housing Supply, Mortgage, National Development, Nigeria

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