British Journal of Environmental Sciences (BJES)

EA Journals


Climate-Based Land Engineering Model for Management Sustainable Agriculture in Banten Province (Published)

Development in Banten Province leads to industrial and agricultural development. The increase in the number of industries has implications for the reduction of agricultural land, so that in certain areas there is contact between industry and agricultural land. To maintain the rate of increase in the two developments, a climate-based regional mapping is carried out, while to maintain the productivity of the land around the industrial area, land engineering is carried out. The method for land mapping uses astronomical limits and climatic conditions for each region, while land engineering is carried out by creating intermediate land which functions to sterilize pollutants from industry. Furthermore, to increase agricultural productivity, a climate change-based cropping pattern is implemented. The results of climate-based regional mapping show that Pandeglang and Lebak districts have the potential for agriculture, while Cilegon City and Tangerang Regency have the potential for industry.

Keywords: Agricultural Productivity, Climate, astronomical boundaries, land engineering, regional mapping

Measurement and evaluation of ambient temperature distribution in Mubi town, Adamawa State, Nigeria (Published)

This paper is based on measurement of ambient (air) temperature distribution in Lamurde, Mubi South local government area, Nigeria. HTC-2 digital LCD thermometer and hygrometer electronic meter manufactured by Shenzhen Oway Technology Co. Limited Guangdong, China was used to collect data in the study area and compared with the National Aeronautics and Space Administrative (NASA) values. The results of the research revealed the maximum air temperature of 29.30oC against 33.70oC (NASA). Instat 3 and Microsoft Excel statistical package were used to analyze the data obtained. The results of T-test revealed p value of 0.0009 which is considered as extremely significant at 95% confidence interval and F-test showed that f (0.08) ≤ F (0.42) which revealed that there is no significant difference between the two data because it has 75% correlation coefficient. The study concluded that the data obtained could be used for research purpose and recommended that other sophisticated equipment should be used to validate the data.

Citation: Usman A., Sunday A., Ibrahim, M. N. (2023) Measurement and evaluation of ambient temperature distribution in Mubi town, Adamawa State, Nigeria, British Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol.11, No.2, pp.,1-11,

Keywords: Climate, Temperature, Thermometer, Weather, ambient temperature

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