British Journal of Environmental Sciences (BJES)

EA Journals


Approaches to Minimizing and Overcoming Current Biodiversity Loss (Published)

Biodiversity is a measure of the degree of life forms on earth and the ecological complexes which they are part of. The maintenance of biological diversity provides enormous life support system to the biosphere. Though the earth recorded some past extinction events among organisms in the course of evolution as part of natural phenomena, the current rate of loss of biodiversity is far higher than past episodes of extinction and this is a worrisome concern because most of the contributing factors are man-made. Attempts have been made at the regional and global level to address these trends but seem to be sabotaged by lack of cooperation in developing nations. Tactical and integrated strategies therefore need to be adopted to ensure compliance with the laws guiding man’s behavioral attitude to bio-resources. These integrated strategies may include policy making, legislation, attitudinal change, nature education, nature advocacy, socio-political measures, good governance, communal efforts, individual efforts, economic tools and all other combined strategies to overcome the current biodiversity loss so that the biosphere will remain sustainable and productive. This may also assist in ameliorating effects of climate change and in the long run halting it. Other related issues are discussed.

Keywords: Bio-resouces, Biodiversity Loss, Biosphere, Climate Change

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