British Journal of English Linguistics (BJEL)

EA Journals


Analysis of Two EFL Writing Genres Using Appraisal Theory (Published)

EFL students must master the technicalities of English and learn how to construct arguments in the language.  This means that they need to be able to use their emotions to create the desired impression. Appraisal Theory can be used to study their success in this aspect of language acquisition. This study examined word usage in two short essays by EFL students. One asked them to describe the location they had visited, and the other asked them to compare two such locations. Overall, most students made limited use of appraisal terms, but this was more common in the comparative essay, suggesting that the task structure encouraged such usage. Implications for further research and teaching of ESL are also considered.

Keywords: EFL, Emotions, appraisal theory, genres, writing

The Impact of Fear overcoming on enhancing oral Communication for Sudanese EFL Students (Published)

This paper aimed to investigate the impact of fear overcoming on enhancing oral communication for Sudanese EFL students. A teachers’ questionnaire was used to collect the students’ stand points about of our questions that subdivided into statements to be responded by the students.  The data was analysed by adopting (SPSS) program. The results reveal the following: Sudanese EFL students feel nervous and shy when they try to speak English. Sudanese EFL students afraid of facing the experience of speaking English.   Sudanese EFL students feel that they will never master spoken English. The researchers recommend that a new method of teaching should be adopted to help students to overcome fear, students should be motivated to learn English language, and they helped to build self confidence that English language can be studied and mastered.

Keywords: EFL, Fear, Impact, Students, oral communication, sudanese

Vocabulary Learning Principles and Tasks in EFL Classrooms: A Study on the Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh (Published)

The research was conducted to explore the effect of vocabulary learning principles and tasks (VLPT) on developing higher secondary level students’ vocabulary knowledge. Looking into the use of vocabulary learning principles and tasks contributing to vocabulary development, the study examined the key aspects that might develop the students’ EFL vocabulary. A Mixed-method approach was employed for data collection and data analysis. To elicit the relevant data, the study used: questionnaires from 100 students, in-depth interview with 10 teachers The findings of the study showed that VLPT had a positive and strong connection with vocabulary learning achievement and it was found helpful for developing students’ vocabulary knowledge. It was also found that EFL students studying at HSC level were not sufficiently aware of the significance and effectiveness of VLPT in classes. The findings of the study have some pedagogical implications for both the teachers and students. The teachers may systematically introduce and reinforce VLPT that can help students as active vocabulary learners. The investigation will also provide information to the teachers on how effectively VLPT may impact on developing students’ vocabulary achievement. The study has pedagogical implications for raising awareness about VLPT among EFL learners.

Keywords: Achievement, EFL, higher secondary level, vocabulary learning principles and tasks

How teaching and learning receptive skills in a rich environment improve the (PYP) students’ overall language production at Majmmah University, KSA (Published)

The study attempts at investigating the impact of the rich learning environment at Preparatory Year Programe (PYP) in Majmmah University, KSA on the overall improvement of EFL/ESP students’ productive skills. The PYP deanship at Majmmah University has been witnessing a great development and impressive advances in terms of preparation of distinctive curricula that meet students’ specialization for the required standards at colleges of medicine, engineering, applied medical sciences and computer sciences. The progress in providing the effective teaching and learning materials is also evident today. And the huge progress in constructing the rich learning environment was not possible without a vivid awareness of the importance of teaching and learning aids in motivating students for better language production. Thus, it seems as if decision makers have been investing more money for the overall development of education quality at this newly established university. The establishment of the Preparatory Year Programme (PYP) deanship at Majmmah University couple of years ago appeared to be integrated in different terms. For instance, classes are well equipped with different learning and teaching facilities that make the application of technological mediums such as CDs, MP3s and USBs easier in accomplishing language learning process. Furthermore, classes are also equipped with lap tops, headphones, two enormous speakers, a podium through which instructors control the smart boards operation and a TV screen which is freely used by the students as a listening exposure device with multiple access such as watching movies or watching some breaking news. Additionally, syllabus selection was also done in such a way that covers the needs of the EFL as well as the ESP learners. For almost three years the researcher has taught English in modern classes occupied by 16 maximum students who were divided into 4 main groups, each group seated around a big table. In a situation similar to such a modern and effective model of PYP classes, intensive receptive skills are easily taught and their intensity will definitely impact the students’ production of language skills by the end of the day. To undertake this study, a qualitative method is adapted where the researcher interviewed a sample of instructors who are currently teaching at PYP deanship. The interview questions aim at determining the strengths of the intensive receptive sessions on improving the quality of the output for the EFL/ESP students. The researcher has also conducted a classroom observation reflecting on his experience of three years of teaching at PYP deanship of Majmmah University. Finally, the study resulted into some significant findings among which are:

  1. Using modern technology and different classroom seating attract students’ attention and motivate them.
  2. A productive classroom promotes minimal anxiety through well-defined expectations, appropriate instruction, and sufficient scaffolding.
  3. An effective learning platform is the one that establishes strong interactions and promotes a collaborative learning culture.

Keywords: EFL, ESP, receptive skills, rich learning environment

Exploring EFL Learners’ Engagement in Virtual Reality Environments: A Case Study on King Abdul-Aziz University (KAU) Learners in KSA (Published)

Virtual reality (VR) is used for many applications, ranging from medicine to space and from entertainment to training. In this research paper, VR is applied in EFL education in order to explore the effect of virtual reality environments (VR) on the engagement of female students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at King Abdul-Aziz University (KAU) in Saudi Arabia. A mixed-research approach was taken to examine the correlation between three major variables (students’ engagement, students’ cognitive load, students’ behaviour in VR). The quantitative research made use of three research instruments: 1) a pre/post self-perceived engagement questionnaire, 2) the NASA TLX (Task Load Index), which was used to calculate the learners’ cognitive load, and 3) a Students’ Behaviour in VR rubric, which was used to analyse learners’ video-recorded interactions in VR. I used the qualitative interview tool to collect data from each participant after the experiment in order to analyse students’ perceptions and subjective assessment of their VR experience. The study includes (n=10) EFL female students from the Department of European Languages at King Abdul-Aziz University. I used various statistical treatments from IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to investigate any significant differences or correlations between the three major variables in the quantitative data.  The findings indicated that the level of engagement among students was significantly improved when using VR, while the results did not reveal any significant correlations between students’ cognitive load and behaviour in VR that could affect their engagement.

Keywords: EFL, Environments, KSA, King Abdul-Aziz University, Learners’ Engagement, Virtual Reality

Teachers’ Perception of Graded Readers in Motivating EFL Students on Extensive Reading (Published)

The purpose of this research was to explore the overall perceptions of EFL teachers at the PYP towards the use of graded readers in motivating Saudi EFL learners to go extensive reading. This area as the researcher thinks has not been given due investigation therefore, The literature reveals that literary texts including songs, poetry, short stories and plays could positively impact learners knowledge of English. However, this paper attempted to highlight using graded readers that are judiciously chosen and within learners experience in motivating them to read extensively or intensively. A total of twenty six male and female teachers at the PYP Najran University, Saudi Arabia participated in the study. They were given the chosen copies of graded readers to examine and form ideas about them. Also these teachers were strongly encouraged to do online reading to acquaint themselves with such readers.Data were collected by means of questionnaire to give answer to the two major questions: to what extent could SRs or GRs (the ones familiar to learners) motivate learners to go extensive reading? And are the teachers at PYP aware of GRs?The findings from the study showed that even the few who were not familiar with graded readers have become proponents of the approach once they had seen and read the copies. They also expressed a fondness for graded readers as source of motivation for young adults because of the simplified language and appealing themes that characterize such reading materials, hence the participants expressed willingness to urge upon their students to continue reading them. Teachers also recognized the linguistic benefits of extensive reading including vocabulary expansion, positive reading attitude, and a sense of accomplishment from reading extensively. The paper will also argue that many of the claims and criticisms raised against using literature are not supported by empirical research. I will assert, therefore, that grader readers within students experience are indispensable in our teaching scenario.

Keywords: EFL, Extensive Reading, Students, Teachers’ Perception, graded readers

Active Learning Opportunities Provided By Digital Technologies to Albaha EFL University Students (Published)

This paper aimed to investigate the active learning opportunities provided by digital technologies to EFL Saudi University Students at Albaha University, at first semester (2015-2016). The intentional samples consisted of (43). To achieve the goals the researcher developed a questionnaire consist of (16) items. The reliability and stability has been verified. The paper tries to highlight the extent to which do digital technology gives EFL students opportunities for practicing and enhancing their English language and their future career. The researcher hypothesized that using digital technologies provide Albaha university EFL students with ample and active learning opportunities. To examine this hypothesis, the researcher adopted descriptive and analytic methodology. Data were collected from different resources including student’s questionnaire. The results showed that using digital technologies provide EFL Albaha university student with ample learning opportunities. The collected data were analyzed and the paper concluded with many recommendations.

Keywords: EFL, active learning, digital technologies, opportunities

The Role of Online Internet-Cam Chat in Providing EFL Freshmen’s With Opportunities to Interact With the Target-Language Community as an Authentic Environment to Develop Communicative Language Skills (Published)

The present study attempted to investigate the effect of Internet-Cam chat as one of the most effective tools of computer-assisted language learning (CALL), and measuring its effect on communicative language skills of the EFL learners. It basically focused on using Internet-Cam chat as  authentic materials and real-life situations. To achieve the purpose of this study, 42 participants out of 114 undergraduate EFL learners who registered for a Conversational Skills Course at Al-alBayt University during the first semester of the  academic year 2015/2016 were randomly selected and divided into two groups: Group one consisted of (22) students, which was assigned  as an experimental group, and group two consisted of (20) students, which was assigned as a control group . The participants were given 24 sessions of instruction on the language skills elicited from the textbook. Then they sat for post-test at the end of experiment period. The instrument of the study was based on the   achievement test. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to analyze data and to evaluate any possible difference or any statistically differences between scores for the pre/post-test between the two groups in order to answer and accomplish the questions and objectives of the study. Mean scores, standard deviations, and significance levels were  conducted to assess the effect of using Internet-Cam chat on EFL learners᾿ communicative language skills. Results showed a statistically significant improvement in whole communicative language skills of the EFL students. The results of the post-test based on the findings of t-test showed  that the experimental group performed better that the control group in the communicative language skills of language. This might be attributed to  the new method of teaching that is Internet-Cam chat  through which the experimental groups’ students interacted a lot with native speakers of English.  In other words, the findings of the study revealed that the experimental group students have developed their language skills. In the light of the findings of the study, the researcher recommended to use all CALL applications in general and online-cam chat in particular  in educational operations to develop EFL learners’ communication skills. The researcher recommended  researchers also to use other applications of CALL and make other studies with different variables and large samples to develop other skills which are not investigated yet.

Keywords: CALL, EFL, English Language Skills., Freshmen, Internet-cam chat, Target Language Community

Sudanese EFL Learners’ Sources of Errors in the Production of Articles (Published)

The purpose of this study is to detect to what extent Sudanese EFL learners commit errors attributable to the differences between their L1 and L2. Furthermore discovering the types of errors in use of articles (omission of articles, redundant, or wrong use of articles) is among the objectives of the study. In the direction of checking the status of various categories of errors of articles made by Sudanese EFL learners as a result of the transitional limitations between Arabic and English, an error analysis was performed. Therefore, the researcher developed a writing task in order to find out the inter-lingual article errors committed by the participants as a result of transfer between L1 and L2. A total number of 25 male students studying English at the tertiary level took part in the study and carried out the writing task. The analysis of the results indicated significant differences between different types of errors made by the participants. Sudanese EFL learners had the most problems in terms of the errors related to the redundant use of articles. They were at the second position in the errors of wrong use of articles and finally they had the less frequent errors with respect to the omission of articles in L2 while writing into English.

Keywords: EFL, Error, Error Analysis, Inter-language, Intra-Lingual Error, Mother tongue, Sources Of Errors, Written Production, target language

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