British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

The Main Challenges Facing Basic Education Teachers in Several Libyan Schools According to the Charlotte Danielson Framework


This study investigates the challenges faced by basic education teachers in Libyan schools, aiming to provide insights for decision-makers in the Ministry of Education and school administrators to support teachers effectively. Using a quantitative descriptive survey methodology, the research analyzes data from 98 teachers across various Libyan cities and villages, focusing on areas such as lesson planning, classroom management, teaching practices, and professional development. Key findings reveal that while a majority are proficient in formulating lesson objectives and building positive student relationships, there are significant gaps in utilizing educational resources and integrating technology. The study also highlights a lack of significant differences in challenges based on gender, qualifications, and teaching context, suggesting systemic issues within the education sector. The results underscore the need for targeted professional development and support structures to enhance teachers’ effectiveness and address the common challenges they face.

Keywords: Basic Education, Charlotte Danielson, Framework, Teachers

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