Exploring Strategies Related to Usability of Assistive Technologies in Implementing Inclusive Education among Visually Impaired Lecturers in Tanzania (Published)
This study focused on exploring strategies related to the Usability of Assistive technologies (Ats) in Implementing Inclusive Education among Visually Impaired Lecturers in Tanzania. The study employed a convergent research design under a mixed research approach guided by the Social Disability Model, Universal Design for Learning Model, and Technology Acceptance Model theories. The study also collected data and information from sixty-seven (67) participants using probability and non-probability sampling techniques. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests are employed for quantitative data, and thematic analysis procedures are used to analyse qualitative information. The study revealed the existence of ATs scarcity due to unclear policies for hiring, inadequate ATs infrastructure, and the expensiveness of ATs. Nevertheless, the study found that there is a lack of ATs at University A, which generalizes the same conditions to other universities in Tanzania. The tested hypothesis indicated there is a relationship between ATs applications for VILs and VIS for effective implementation of a university curriculum. This study concluded that at University A, there are various constraints related to ATs policy availability and application. Subsequently, the study recommended that the responsible organs set clear policies for the universities in Tanzania to adopt ATs, VILs, and VIS as compulsory procedures for their accreditations as full-fledged universities.
Keywords: Curriculum, Implementation, Visual Impairment, assistive technologies, inclusive
Survey of Preschoolers with Visual Impairment in Childhood Education in Enugu State, Nigeria (Published)
The study was survey of preschoolers with visual impairment in childhood education in Enugu State public primary schools. Descriptive survey was used for the study. The population of teachers was 13,621 in 1188 public primary schools of the state. The sample was 150 teachers drawn from 150 public primary schools through multistage sampling techniques. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire that was developed by the researcher. It was named Preschoolers with Visual Impairment Survey Questionnaire (PWVISQ). Likert response options of strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (DA) and Strongly Disagree (SD) was adopted. Mean scores and standard deviation were used. Mean scores of 2.5 and above was considered as accepted (for agreement) while mean score less than 2.5 was rejected (as disagreement) for answering the research questions which are three in number. The findings of the study revealed among others that the teachers are aware of those called preschoolers with visual impairment and no childhood education services given them. There are recommendations which include awareness campaign for parents of persons with visual impairment to send them to schools and training by the government and retraining of teachers of preschoolers with visual impairment for successful early childhood services for preschoolers with visual impairment.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education (ECE), Preschoolers, Survey, Visual Impairment