British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

Public Primary

Prevailing Organizational Culture Strategies in Public Primary Schools in Rorya District Council, Tanzania (Published)

The study investigated the prevailing organizational culture strategies in public primary schools in Rorya District. The study was guided by cultural dimensions theory and organizational culture model. The study employed pragmatism research philosophy and concurrent triangulation mixed research design. The target population comprised Chairpersons of School Management Committees, teachers, and heads of schools. Questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection. To ensure validity and reliability, various strategies were implemented, including expert reviews, member checking, Cronbach’s Alpha, and pilot studies. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Ethical considerations were addressed through obtaining approvals from relevant authorities. The study found that the organizational culture in public primary schools in Rorya District is generally perceived positively by teachers, with strong support for collaboration, shared values, teamwork, and effective communication. The culture also fosters a sense of belonging and commitment to school goals. However, areas such as continuous learning and professional development were rated slightly lower, indicating potential opportunities for improvement. The study recommends strengthening collaboration, teamwork, and a sense of belonging in Rorya District’s public primary schools while enhancing continuous learning and professional development to further support teachers and align with effective organizational culture practices.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Public Primary, Strategies., schools

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