Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Among Secondary School Students for the Development of Entrepreneurship: Implications for Economic Diversification in Kwara State (Published)
The objective of the study is to examine the roles of teaching and learning of mathematics among secondary students for development of entrepreneurship for economic development in Kwara State Descriptive survey was employed as the research design for the study and questionnaire containing closed and open-ended questions was the instrument for data collection. Sample of the study comprised 134 teachers and 167 students from the state. The designed questionnaire items were validated by two lecturers from the Mathematics and Integrated science departments, Federal College of Education Kontagora, Niger State. To test the reliability of the items, a split-half method was adopted. Cronbach alpha-20 (a20) was employed to estimate the reliability coefficient of the Likert’s scale test items and was found to be 0.83. Data collected was analyzed using percentages (%) and means statistics to answer the research questions. The finding of the study revealed that teaching and learning of mathematics support the development of entrepreneurship among secondary students. Also the study revealed that teachers who incorporated entrepreneurial concepts into their mathematics lessons increased student engagement and skills, which necessary for entrepreneurship development. It is therefore recommended that there is need for an innovative and practical approach to mathematics education and teachers’ training should be done at well.
Keywords: Development, Entrepreneurship, Kwara state, Mathematics, Teaching and Learning, economic diversification, secondary school students