British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


A Review of the Chemistry of Urea Fertilizers (CO(NH2)2) and Chlorpyrifos Pesticides (C9H11Cl3NO3PS) in Agricultural Education (Published)

Chlorpyrifos pesticides have been linked to neurodevelopmental issues in children and potential carcinogenic properties in adults and the excessive use of both chlorpyrifos and urea fertilizers may result in soil acidification, which lowers soil fertility and affects crop yields, threatening global food security. Sustainable agricultural practices are crucial to address these concerns. This systematic review aims to comprehensively analyze the chemistry of urea fertilizers (CO(NH2)2) and chlorpyrifos pesticides (C9H11Cl3NO3PS) in the context of agricultural education. The study covers various aspects including their chemical properties, synthesis, formulation, application, environmental impact, and regulatory considerations. Molecular structures, composition, synthesis methods, and physical-chemical properties such as solubility and stability were examined alongside their effects on the environment and the regulatory guidelines for safe use in agriculture. This study emphasizes the urgent requirement for remedial measures, including proper use of Chlorpyrifos herbicide, urea fertilizers, and their roles in sustainable agricultural practices.

Keywords: Agriculture, Chemistry, Environmental impact, chlorpyrifos pesticides, synthesis, urea fertilizers

Senior Secondary School Students’ Attitude Toward Chemistry in Katsina Metropolis, Nigeria: Effect of Concept Mapping Instructional Technique (Published)

The study looked at Students’ Attitudes toward Chemistry in Katsina Metropolis, Nigeria and their reaction to Concept Mapping Instructional Approach. Idea mapping was used to compare the mean attitude scores of male and female students who were taught the periodic table concept in Chemistry. The average attitude ratings of students who were taught the concept using concept mapping and those who were taught the identical concept using the lecture method following the treatment were compared in the study. From eleven Katsina public senior secondary schools, 11,094 Senior Secondary School II (SSII) Chemistry students comprised of the population. Two schools and 128 SS2 Chemistry students formed the study sample. Two research questions with corresponding hypotheses were raised and developed respectively to guide the investigation. Two classes were chosen at random and given the roles of experimental and control groups in the study. The preliminary and final tests controls were non-equivalent. The researcher employed the Concept Mapping Attitude Scale towards Chemistry (CMASTC) as the instrument for gathering data. The questions were answered using average and variation, and the assumptions were tested using t-test statistics. Results showed among other things, that there was no statistically significant difference in the mean attitude scores of boys and girls who were taught the periodic table concept using concept mapping compared to others exposed to same concept employing lectures. The study suggested, concept mapping has been shown to encourage a promising future for learners; teachers might employ it in classroom.

Keywords: Chemistry, Concept Mapping, Instruction, attitude, technique

Effect of Computer-Aided Instruction on Chemistry Students’ Achievement in Organic Chemical Nomenclature in Enugu Education Zone of Enugu State, Nigeria (Published)

This study investigated the effect of Computer-Aided Instruction on chemistry students’ achievement in organic chemical nomenclature in Enugu Education zone of Enugu State, Nigeria. One research question and one hypothesis guided the study. The design of the study adopted was quasi experimental, pretest-post test, non equivalent control design. The sample for the study comprised of 308 chemistry students (122 male and 186 female) purposively sampled from a population of 2,734 SS1chemistry students in Enugu Education zone of Enugu state. The instrument used for data collection was Teacher Made Organic Nomenclature Achievement Test (TMONAT) with 20 items multiple choice test. The instrument was constructed by the researchers and validated by two experts, one from the department of science education and one from the department of mathematics computer education (measurement and evaluation unit, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, (ESUT). TMONAT achieved a reliability of 0.87 calculated using kuder Richardson 20 (KR-20). Treatment lasted for six weeks. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer research questions while hypothesis was tested at 0.05 significance using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). Males and Females were taught using computer-aided instruction (CAI). The findings of the study revealed that male and female chemistry students taught organic chemical nomenclature (OCN) with Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) were almost at par in their achievement in OCN. Gender has no significance influence on students’ achievement in OCN with CAI. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that Curriculum planners should include CAI as a model of instruction that promotes gender-equity.

Citation: Nweze B.N. and  Ogwu C. N.  (2022) Effect of Computer-Aided Instruction on Chemistry Students’ Achievement in Organic Chemical Nomenclature in Enugu Education Zone of Enugu State, Nigeria, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 13, pp.68-77

Keywords: Achievement, Chemistry, Organic, computer-aided, nomenclature

Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) On Students’ Academic Achievement in Chemistry among Boys and Girls in Public Secondary Schools in Ondo State, Nigeria (Published)

Citation: Ekundayo S. K. (2022) Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) On Students’ Academic Achievement in Chemistry among Boys and Girls in Public Secondary Schools in Ondo State, Nigeria, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 2, pp. 31-41

Abstract: This study investigated the effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) on students’ achievement in Chemistry among boys and girls in public secondary schools in Ondo State. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. The sample for the study consisted of 240 senior secondary school two (SSS II) intact class Chemistry students selected in stages using simple random sampling technique. Three schools were selected from three local government areas from the three senatorial districts in Ondo State. The students in the experimental groups were exposed to CAI while the control group was taught with the conventional teaching method. Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) with a reliability coefficient of 0.81 was used to collect relevant data for the study. The experimental group was treated using CAI package while the control group was treated using the conventional classroom teaching. Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOVA) and t-test were used to test the research hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result from the study showed that there was no significant difference between the achievement of male and female students in both the experimental and the control groups respectively. The results showed that when exposed to CAI, female students performed better than their counterparts. Based on the findings of the study, it could be concluded that the use of CAI has not shown any better effectiveness in the achievement of students. However, the method is a modern day of imparting knowledge. In another dimension, when both males and females are taught with the use of CAI, the method appeared to favour females than males. This suggests that the method us gender-biased. Based on the findings of the research, it is recommended that the potential of computer-assisted instruction should be utilised to enhance better achievement of the students in Chemistry, most especially among females while the male students also be encouraged to key into the use of the method for the flexibility of teaching and learning.

Keywords: Chemistry, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Gender, Students

Identification of the Mathematics Concepts That Are Relevant in the Study of Chemistry at the Secondary School Level in Nigeria (Published)

This study focused on identification of mathematics concepts that are relevant in chemistry education at the secondary school level. The study is a descriptive research design and the area of the study was Abakaliki education zone of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The sample comprised of 73 teachers (38 mathematics teachers and 35 chemistry teachers). Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The questionnaire was made up of two sections for mathematics and chemistry teachers. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Based on the findings from the data analysis, recommendations were made and it includes; the chemistry teachers should be exposed to programmes that would enable them to acquire more knowledge on mathematical aspects of chemistry. Training programmes should be organized which will bring the chemistry and mathematics teachers together to share their views on certain concepts in mathematics among others.  

Keywords: Chemistry, Concepts, Identification, Mathematics, Relevant

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