British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Factors Affecting Counselling Sessions in Raising Students’ Awareness of Life Skills (Published)

The study aims to examine the factors affecting counseling sessions conducted by social counselors for students in Omani schools to educate them on various aspects of their lives. The Questionnaire was performed by direct observation of students’ daily behaviors and by a knowledge test. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (percentages, means, standard deviations) and analytical statistics (Multiple Regression). The studies revealed that special counseling programs that were aimed and targeted at the students were effective in raising the level of awareness of the students and had favorable impacts on their participation in programmes such as the “Friends of the School Community”. Result shows that awareness level was high among female students who had good academic scores, health, and were active participants. In contrast, male students with high levels of absenteeism, medical conditions, and low academic achievement had weak awareness. Specific to the findings, age and grade level were no significant factors to awareness.

Keywords: awareness, counselling sessions, social action construction theory., social worker (social counsellor)

A Survey of National Values Awareness and Erosion Among Secondary School Students in Niger State: Implication for National Patriotism Counselling (Published)

The thrust of this study focused on investigating the level of awareness and erosion of national values in school children and its implications for national patriotism. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population comprises of all secondary school students in Niger State. A sample size of 1,270 students was randomly selected across the three senatorial districts of the state. A self-developed questionnaire titled ‘Nigeria’s Nationalism Scale’ was used to obtain information for the study from the respondents. The instrument was validated and a reliability index of 0.87 was obtained. Descriptive statistics of percentage was used in answering the research questions while inferential statistics of t-test and linear regression were used to test the hypotheses. Findings revealed that secondary school students in Niger state have a higher level of national values awareness and both value awareness level and level of value erosion have significant influence on patriotism. The study recommended among others that counsellors should be employed and adequately be provided with necessary facility and fund to complement the effort of the civic and social studies teachers in re-orientating the school students in Niger state on national values.

Keywords: : Erosion, Counselling, Patriotism, awareness, value

Climate Change Awareness and Institutional Management Strategies by Principals of Secondary Schools in Anambra State (Published)

One of the basic issues of the present century is Climate change. In the light of this, the study investigated the extent to which secondary school principals in Anambra state consider climate change and its effects in the selection of their institutional management strategy as well as in the preparation of their school time table and curriculum. Two research questions as well as two hypotheses were raised and formulated respectively to guide the study. Questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection while one sample t-test was adopted for the data analysis. The study revealed that secondary school principals in Anambra state are aware of the existence of climate change in Nigeria. However, they perceived it as a national issue which relatively have no significant relationship with school management and therefore do not significantly consider it in the selection of their institutional management strategy and in the preparation of their school timetable and curriculum. To this end, the study recommended among others the urgent need for climate change awareness programmes to be organized for school principals by Government to sensitize them on the dangers of climate change and its effects if neglected and not duly considered in their various schools in addition to sanctioning school principals who fail to take cognizance of climate change or introduce strategies for curbing its effects in their respective schools.

Keywords: Climate Change, Education and Management strategy, awareness


Perception and level of awareness of HIV/AIDs among women farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria was studied. The study employed purposive and multi-stage random sampling techniques in the selection of 120 rural women farmers. Primary data were collected using a well-structured questionnaire and interview schedule. These were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. The result of data analysis showed that majority 38.33 percent of the women farmers fall within age bracket of 26-35 years; their farming experience ranged 5-10 years with 36.67 percent; while their farm size ranged between 1.1-1.5 hectares. Majority 60.82 percent of the women were married and completed primary education with 38.33 percent. Majority 41.67 percent of the farmers live with between 4-6 persons in their household and earned between N80, 000-N100, 000 per annum. About 66.66 percent of the women belonged to 3-4 social organizations. Major sources of information on HIV/AIDs prevention to the rural women were: Ebonyi State Ministry of Health (2.90), religious institutions (3.12), social organizations (2.84), radio (3.67) and Ebonyi State Action Committee on Aids (EBOSACA) (3.66) among others Further analysis indicates that majority 100 percent of the respondents’ perceived that an HIV victim can live long on a special type of drug and hygienic condition (100 percent), HIV/AIDs is a viral disease (91.67 percent) while 85 percent perceived that HIV/AIDs exist and has no cure. All the women in the study area had knowledge of measures of HIV prevention such as total abstinence from sex, having one sex partner and screening of blood before transfusion. Majority 81.67 and 76.67 percent of the respondents were willing to be tested and would recommend it to their friends and family members. It was concluded that though the general level of awareness about HIV/AIDs was high, the perceptions of the respondents were faulty in some cases because of some misconception about causes and therapy to the disease. Necessary recommendations such as intensified awareness creation by the NGOs and concerned agencies, provision of infrastructures as well as education of farmers were made among others.

Keywords: Ebonyi State, HIV/AIDS, Nigeria, Perception, Voluntary Counseling and Testing, Women Farmers, awareness

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