British Journal of Education (BJE)

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Academic Achievement

School Location as a Correlate of Senior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension in the English Language in Ebonyi State (Published)

This study considered school location as one of the correlates of Reading Comprehension achievement in senior secondary schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. The design adopted for this study was correlation research design. Location as a variable was correlated with students’ achievement in reading comprehension in English. Two purposes of study and two research questions were formulated to guide the study, namely: to establish the relationship between urban school students’ attitude and their reading comprehension achievement in English in Ebonyi state, and to determine the relationship between rural school students’ attitude and their reading comprehension achievement in English in Ebonyi State. Two null hypotheses were also tested. Research questions were answered using coefficient of correlation, while hypotheses were tested at an alpha level of 0.05, using step-wise linear regression. Results showed that the coefficient of correlation between urban students’ attitude and their achievement was 0.84 which falls within 0.80 – 1.00 and showed a very high positive relationship. This indicated there was a relationship between urban students’ attitude and their reading comprehension achievement. Result also showed a medium positive relationship between rural students’ attitude and their reading comprehension achievement. Based on these results, recommendations were made among which was that Government should device a policy that would encourage qualified English language teachers to accept posting to rural schools. To make this gesture attractively workable, government should give monetary incentive to these English language teachers, especially those that accept posting to rural schools.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Correlation, English Language, Reading Comprehension, School Location, Senior Secondary Schools

Influence of Bullying and Anxiety on Academic Achievement Among Senior Secondary School Students in Bichi Education Zone, Kano State, Nigeria (Published)

This study examines the influence of bullying and anxiety on academic achievement among senior secondary school students in Bichi Education Zone Kano State, Nigeria. Three objectives with corresponding research questions and hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Ex-Post Facto research design was used. The population of the study consists of 4436 senior secondary II students in Bichi Education Zone. A sample of 357 SS II students was selected as guided by research advisor (2006). Two Instruments were adapted for the Data collection; the modified instrument Bully Behavior Questionnaire (BBQ) and Brazilian State – Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were used to collect data on bullying and anxiety respectively. The bullying variable had five levels based on an individual’s scores on the BBQ these are bully, assistant to the bully, victim, defender of the victim and outsider. Anxiety was assessed as high or low. The BBQ has an original reliability of 0.72 while STAI has 0.79. To further ensure the validity of the instrument, face and content validity were established by researcher’s supervisor and other experts from the Department of General Studies Federal Polytechnic Kabo, Kano. The reliability of the instrument was obtained through pilot testing. ANOVA and t-test for independent sample were used to test study hypotheses. It was found that, there is high level of bullying behavior among senior secondary schools students of Bichi Education Zone, Kano State with 23%, there is significant difference in academic achievement between bully, assistant to the bully, victim, defender of the victim and outsider students of senior secondary schools in Bichi Education Zone, Kano State Nigeria in favor of defender and outsider and there is no significant difference between academic achievement of high-anxiety and low-anxiety students of senior secondary schools in Bichi Education Zone, Kano State Nigeria. Based on the findings it was recommended that there is need for teachers and counselors to work hand in hand to improve academic achievement of victims of bullying among the students by regularly sharing students’ progress report with parents/ caregivers.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Anxiety, Bullying

The Effect of Collaborative Learning Strategy on Office Technology and Management Students’ Academic Achievement and Interest in Office Management (Published)

The study was conducted to ascertain the effect of collaborative learning strategy on office technology and management students’ academic achievement and interest in office management.  Two specific purposes, research questions and null hypotheses were carefully developed to guide the study.  In carrying out this study, a quasi experimental design was adopted which involved both treatment and control groups to be used intact since no randomization was needed.  The population of the study comprised of NCE III students.  Two colleges of education were selected through a purposive sampling technique.  One group comprising of 34 students of both male and female was assigned to the treatment group and the other group made up of 26 students was assigned to the control group.  An instructional package was developed for each of the groups.  Package for the treatment group was the collaborative learning strategy while the package for the control group was individualized learning method.  Data were collected with the aid of two instruments namely: Office Management Achievement Test (OMAT) and the Office Management Interest Inventory (OMII).  Both instruments were validated and necessary adjustments made.  The internal consistency testing of OMAT using K-R20 yielded a reliability index of 0.94.  Also, Cronbach alpha of 0.94 was obtained from the reliability testing of OMII.  Data for the two research questions that guided the study were answered using mean and standard deviation.  On the other hand, the two hypotheses that guided the study were tested using ANCOVA.  The results revealed that collaborative learning strategy has a strong positive effect on Office Technology and Management Students’ Academic Achievement and Interest in Office Management.  Collaborative learning strategy, in this study, is better than the individualized learning method in enhancing both male and female students’ academic achievement and interest.  Therefore, the study recommended among others that curriculum planners should integrate the collaborative learning strategy into the office management curriculum because of its effectiveness in enhancing students’ academic achievement and interest in the course.  College management should train and retrain office management lecturers on ways of adopting and effectively using collaborative learning strategy in learning. 

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Interest, Office Management, collaborative learning strategy, office technology and management

Family Socio-Economic Status in Relation to Free Education Programme: The Implication on Student’s Academic Achievement in Public Secondary Schools in South-West Nigeria (Published)

The study investigated the impact of socio-economic status of parent and government free education programme on student’s academic achievement in public secondary schools in south-west Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey and Ex-post facto research design. The targeted sample for this study was 300 respondents. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select the sample for the study. In all, 288 Students, and 12 Principals were carefully selected to make a total of 300 respondents out of the population. Two sets of instruments were used to collect data for this study; the instruments which were self-designed and self-administered on the respondents by the researcher with a reliability coefficient of 0.879 and 0.78 for (FSSFEAQ) and SAP respectively. The general questions raised were answered using descriptive statistics involving frequency counts, percentages, mean deviation and chart while the postulated hypotheses were tested using inferential statistics involving Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Chi-Square test at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that there was no significant difference between the levels of sponsorship available to public school students in south west states. The study all revealed that there was a significant difference between socio-economic status among the south-west states. It was revealed that there was no significant association between socio-economic status and student’s academic achievement in public secondary school in south west. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Government should increase budgetary allocation for education to improve sponsorship of public secondary schools education and also encourage individual Philanthropist and Non-government organization to render more support to education in order to boost the students’ academic achievement.


Keywords: Academic Achievement, Free Education, Socio-Economic Status, family

Effect of Principals’ Financial Management Practices on Academic Achievement in Public Secondary Schools in Bungoma East Sub-County, Kenya (Published)

Finance is a key resource that determines performance of any organization. Principals are managers of this resource in secondary schools. The study investigated the relationship between principals’ financial management practices and students’ academic achievement in public secondary schools in Bungoma East Sub-County. Embedded mixed method research design was adopted for the study. The target population was all principals, deputy principals and heads of department in public secondary schools in the Sub-County. Stratified random sampling was used to select the study sample. In total, 180 respondents, comprising of 33 principals, 33 deputy principals and 114 heads of department, were picked from 33 sampled schools. Data was collected using questionnaire, interview schedule and document analysis guide. A pilot study was carried out in three schools from the neighbouring Sub-County before the main study to establish validity and reliability of the research tools. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. Descriptive statistics involved the use of frequencies, percentages and means while inferential statistics involved the use of Spearman’s Rank order correlation. The study established a strong positive relationship between principals’ financial management practices and academic achievement in public secondary schools. Therefore, principals who had high scores on financial management practices recorded high academic mean scores in their schools. Financial managerial practices play a pivotal role in infrastructural and academic development of an educational institution. It was thus recommended that school principals should ensure that school financial resources were properly managed to ensure there was proper development of schools’ infrastructures hence improvement of academic performance.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, financial management practices

The effect of active learning strategies on developing self-efficacy and academic achievement for seventh grade students in Jordan (Published)

The study aimed to investigate the impact of active education strategies on developing self-efficacy academic achievement. The number of the study members reached (59) students from the seventh primary grade. They were chosen from the seventh primary grade students. To achieve the goals of the study, a measure was used in the subjective effectiveness, and an achievement test in the subject of Islamic education. The results of the study revealed the presence of statistically significant differences between the results of students in the two groups in the study of self-efficacy and academic achievement, in favor of the experimental group. This study concluded with a number of proposals calling for concern to employ active learning strategies in the various subjects.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Self-Efficacy, Students, active learning

The Effect of using concept maps to improve the level of academic achievement of students at the basic stage in Jordan (Published)

This study aimed at assessing the impact of conceptual maps on academic achievement in Islamic education for fifth-grade primary students at Fatima Al-Zahraa Elementary School in Ghour Al-Safi. The sample of this study consisted of two groups, each of which equals (21) students (experimental and controlling). The concept maps required for teaching Islamic education were constructed using the “concept maps” method, while the same content was taught to the control group by the traditional lecture method. The two study groups were pre-tested, and after a two-month teaching period they continued for two months. The two study groups were tested post-test. The results of the study showed that the achievement of the experimental group students was better than the achievement of the control group, and with statistical significance, how the study results showed that the method of concept maps can benefit students who are scholastic, and students who are less distinguished equally.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Students, concept maps, improve

Participatory school administration and its impact on the academic achievement of the students of the basic stage in Jordanian public schools (Published)

The study aimed to identify the participatory school administration and its impact on the academic achievement of the students of the basic stage in Jordanian public schools. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher followed the analytical descriptive approach in terms of applying the study tool and data collection and analysis. For the Directorate of Education of the liwa’ Bani Kenana, while the sample of the study consisted of (30) students from the elementary school of Kfr soom. The study found that there is a statistically significant impact of the participatory school administration on the academic achievement of the students of the stage The core of the Jordanian government schools, the study recommended the need to work on the application of the theories of modern management in the various Directorates of Education of the Ministry of Education of Jordan.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Administration, Jordanian public schools, School

Modern School Management and Its Impact on the Academic Achievement of the Students of the Basic Stage in Jordanian Public Schools (Published)

The study aimed to identify the modern school administration and its impact on the academic achievement of the students of the basic stage in the Jordanian government schools. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher followed the analytical descriptive approach in terms of applying the study tool and data collection and analysis. Directorate of Education Jerash, While the sample of the study consisted of (20) students from Jerash Elementary School for Boys. The study found that there is a statistically significant effect of the modern school administration on the academic achievement of the students of the basic stage in Jordanian public schools. Modern administration in the various directorates of education affiliated to the Jordanian Ministry of Education.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Basic Stage, Modern School Management, Students, public schools

Differential Item Functing (DIF) In the Anxiety and Stress Scale on Students Academic Achievement in Chemistry Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) (Published)

This is a study that applied two different Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) methods for the detection of gender-and age-related item bias in the anxiety and stress scale on students’ academic achievement in chemistry (AASS). Specifically, a multi-group SEM approach was used to investigate both uniform and non uniform item bias in each subscale of AASS separately, and a multidimensional SEM approach that enabled in both subscales of AASS and with regard to both gender and age simultaneously. Results from the multi group SEM approach and the multidimensional SEM approach with regard to the detection of uniform item bias were largely consistent and generally agreed with the results of the ordinal logistic regression, item response theory (IRT) and contingency tables methods reported by Cameron et al 2014; Ogidi and Iweka 2015; and Iweka 2017. Inspection of parameter estimate’s of the final model showed that there was a significant positive association between Anxiety and stress (r=0.83, P<.001) indicating that symptom severity with respect to Anxiety goes together with symptom severity with respect to stress. There was a significant negative association between Age and Anxiety (r.024) P<.001), indicating that older students score lower on Anxiety than younger students.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Anxiety, Differential Item Functing, Stress Scale, Structural Equation Modeling

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