British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Standardization and the Impact of Emotional Intelligence Test Subscales on Academic Progress (Published)

The study aims to assess the underlying structure and psychometric properties of the Emotional Intelligence Test among students of different study programs. The study also aimed to measure the impact of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, and self-motivation on the academic progress of the students. Data was obtained from 946 respondents from the student population. The total sample through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to assess the underlying structure of the scale. The high levels of subscales of the Emotional Intelligence Test in the sample suggest that screening for Emotional Intelligence is important in different areas as well as in different study programs. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the structure of five subscales of the Emotional Intelligence Scale. The study indicated a linear relationship between self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, self-motivation, and academic progress. The study found that self-awareness, social awareness, relationship management, and self-motivation were positive predictors of academic progress; meantime, self-management was a negative predictor of academic progress. The strongest predictor of academic progress was self-motivation which explains 45.3% of the variance; at the same time, the least predictor of academic progress was social awareness which explain 6.5% of the variance.

Keywords: Academic, Emotional, Intelligence, Progress, Test, Validation, standardization

Social Media; Negative Effect on Academic Performance of Secondary School Students In Nigeria (Published)

Citation: Adeniyi   Adewale   Ojo  (2022) Social   Media; Negative   Effect   on Academic Performance of Secondary School Students   In   Nigeria, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 3, pp., 126-131

Abstract: Obviously, it is common among the secondary school students in Nigeria that they lure of using social media as mode of communication and interaction among themselves. However, these social media such as Facebook, and Twitter and so on are using negatively and inappropriate to the levels in which they cannot benefit from it. In addition, many students of secondary schools in Nigeria today acquired antisocial behaviours such as fraudulent habit  and other bad characters which peculiar in social media  while  thousands  the of students in our country   podcasting their reading culture because   they are spending  much  time on the social media. Similarly, social media affect the reading culture of many secondary students in Nigeria because they prefer to spend many hours on the social media than to read their books.  Yet,  the incident of yahoo  rampant in rural , urban  and Riverine  area  in  Nigeria while teenagers  believe that it is  short cut  for them to become millions over night . Meanwhile , this  has been  generated to  famous  calamity  among  secondary  school  students in our  country.  

Keywords: Academic, Culture, Negative effect, Performance, School, Social media, Students, Teenagers, anti- social, behaviours

Influence of Demographic Factors on Inter-Parental Conflict in Ruiru Sub-County Kiambu County Kenya (Published)

This paper analyses demographic factors that influence inter-parental conflict in Ruiru Sub-county, Kenya. The demographic factors include parental level of education, parental occupation, and age at marriage.  The paper is drawn from a study that was undertaken in Ruiru Sub-county, Kiambu County in Kenya seeking to examine the effect of inter-parental conflict on academic achievement motivation among form three students. This paper thus makes reference to both the children’s and parents’ perceptions of how these factors influence inter-parental conflict. Guided by Abraham Maslow’s Hierachy of needs theory and Martin Selgman’s Learned Helplessness Theory, the study adopts a mixed method research design targeting form three students in the 31 public and private secondary schools in Ruiru Sub-county and their parents. A total of 281 randomly sampled students and 10 participated in the study through a Children Perception of Inter-parental Conflict Questionnaire (CPIC) and Focus Group Discussion Protocol for the selected parents. Data analysis was done both descriptively and using inferential statistics. These demographics factors were found to influence inter-parental conflict at different levels and therefore a recommendation was made that parents make effort to manage and resolve conflict before it escalates into hostilities and violence.

Keywords: Academic, County, Demographic Factors, Inter-Parental Conflict, Parents, Students


Child abuse is an act of inflicting serious, physical injury and emotional torture on a child or person, which is intentional or unintentional and could endanger the physical, health, emotional, social, moral and educational wellness of the child. The contributing factor of child abuse can be identified as poverty and ignorance on the part of the parents or guardians and others. Observing the alarming endless cry of students and those hurt in the process and maltreatment, the researcher was therefore interested in investigating child abuse as it affect the academic performance of students in Boki LGA of Cross River State. To achieve this purpose two (2) null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A sample of 200 respondents were randomly selected for the study. The selection was done through simple random sampling technique. The questionnaire was the main instrument used for data collection. Test re-test reliability of the instrument was established, while Pearson product moment correlation analysis was the statistical technique considered appropriate. The critical level of .05 was used to test each hypothesis. The result of the analysis revealed that child physical abuse and sexual abuse were statistically related to students’ academic performance. Based on the findings recommendations were made on the need to affectionate and intensified campaigns for awareness creation on the menace of child abuse – physical and sexual abuse as they deaden the future of the child, family and society.

Keywords: Abuse, Academic, Child, Performance, Students

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