Global Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research (GJPACR)

EA Journals

Global Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research (GJPACR)

Global Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research (GJPACR) is a peer -reviewed and referred journal published in March, June, September and December by the European Centre for Research, Training and Development (ECRTD), UK.

GJPACR accepts research papers in Analytical chemistry, Biochemistry , Inorganic chemistry , Materials Chemistry, Neurochemistry , Nuclear chemistry, Organic chemistry, Physical Chemistry ,Theoretical Chemistry, Agrochemistry, Astrochemistry (and cosmochemistry), Atmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Biology, Chemo-Informatics, Electrochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Femtochemistry, Flavor Chemistry, Flow Chemistry, Geochemistry, Green Chemistry, Histochemistry, History of Chemistry, Hydrogenation Chemistry, Immunochemistry, Marine Chemistry, Mathematical Chemistry, Mechanochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Molecular Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Natural Product Chemistry, Oenology, Organometallic Chemistry, Petrochemistry, Pharmacology, Photochemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, Phytochemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Solid-State Chemistry, Sonochemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Surface Chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry, Thermochemistry and other related topics.

The journal is published in both online and printed versions.



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Print ISSN: 2055-0073
Online ISSN: 2055-0081
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