International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals

Influence of Mobile Learning on Students` Essay Writing in English Language

Mohammed Habib ABBA , Muhammad Ali MUSTAPHA, and Mohammed Goni BUKAR


The study examines influence of mobile learning on students` essay writing in English language. The main objective of the study is to determine the extent to which mobile learning influences students` descriptive, narrative and expository essay writings. Quasi-experiment design was used to determine the influence of mobile learning on essay writings of Kanembright College`s advanced students. The study involved 205 ESL students enrolled to study proficiency programme (2019) in the college. Four (40) advanced students were chosen to constitute the target population using purposive sampling technique. The students were categorized into 20 experimental and 20 control groups. Pretest and posttest were applied to determine their performance in essay writings. The data collected were analysed using ANOVA. The findings of the study revealed that mobile learning has significant influence on ESL students` essay writing. Therefore, it was recommended that teachers of English language should encourage active participation of students in classroom activities through use of mobile phones.

Keywords: Essay Writing & English language, Mobile Learning

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