International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IRJPAP)

EA Journals

Determination of Cardiothoracic Ratio (CTR) Of Normal Fresh Undergraduate Students of University Of Jos Using Plain Chest Radiographs


Results of previous research studies have presented racial difference as a function of body size. Several literatures on racial variation of heart sizes also abound. This research was aimed at determining the normal values of the cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) and assessing its relation to the age, height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) of normal fresh undergraduate students of University of Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria. A total of 80, standard postero- anterior chest radiographs taken from normal young Nigerians (40 males and 40 females) of ages 16 – 24 years in University of Jos Health Care Centre were viewed.  From the chest radiographs, the cardiac diameter (CDs) was measured at the widest point of the cardiac silhouette. The thoracic diameter (TD) was taken at the costophrenic insertion of the diaphragm. Using these data the cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) was computed. Body mass index was also calculated while CTR was determined by dividing the CD by the TD. Degree of correlation was assessed for all the study parameters and analysis was made for regression and correlation coefficients using SPSS statistical package. The age range of all the subjects was from 16-24years with a mean age of 19.1900 ± 2.146) years. The average cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) for the whole group was 0. 460 ± 0.026, mean cardiac diameter (CD) was found to be 12.230 ± 1.058 cm and mean value of the Thoracic diameter (TD) was found to be 26.543 ± 2.037cm.The mean Body Mass Index (BMI) of the study group was found to be 22.645 ± 3.865kgm-2, mean heights was found to be 166. 815 ± 7.708 cm and the mean weight was found to be 62.994 ± 11.431 kg. The CardioThoracic Ratio (CTR) was found to correlate significantly ONLY with CD with correlation coefficient factor r of 0.488** at (P 0.01 level (2-tailed)).

Keywords: Cardiac diameter (CD), Cardiothoracic ratio (CTR), Thoracic diameter (TD) and Body Mass Index (BMI)

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