International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IRJPAP)

EA Journals


Examine the Fuel Size Effect on Nuclear Power Reactor Safety (Published)

The mass of fuel in the operating reactor could contribute to the safety of the reactor. To investigate the cooling problem of the fuel, safety margin test was conducted on design decay heat and design volume of the fuel in the reactor core. Linear Regression Analysis Techniques was applied on some typical Water-Cooled Reactor Design (WCRD) models. The results of the statistical analysis on these types of nuclear reactor models reveals that the WCRD models promises stability under application of small size of uranium (fuel) at 9g and below than large size of uranium (fuel) at 12g and above. Meanwhile, at 9g of fuel element the reactor seems to be most stable and safer as the regression plot was optimized. The safety margin prediction of 0.62% was validated for a typical WCRD model as an advantage over the current 5.1% challenging problem for plant engineers to predict the safety margin limit. The implication of this research effort to Nigeria’s nuclear power project is discussed

Keywords: Fuel size effect, High temperature, Reactor Safety, Safety Factor, Stability Margin in Reactor Designs, Water-Cooled Reactor Design Model, optimization,

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