International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IRJPAP)

EA Journals


Atomic Resolution of Topography Images of (Graphite, Gold, n-type Silicon Wafer and Cadmium Oxide Films) Using STM (Published)

Morphological surface images analyze the atomic resolution in 3-dimensions,the colored lateral images map, the graphic line, the forward and back shaded map with 3-Dimensions, for graphite, gold, n-type silicon wafer and cadmium oxide films by using scanning tunneling microscopy(STM) all are investigated. The images of surface graphite showed a regular geometrically distribution with 2.5nm hexagonal arrangement atoms about with 0.34nm level distance . But the gold surface showed a convergence atoms and great density of electrons. While the n-type Si (100) wafer refers to stacking rows and show a linear defect(dislocations) arising from inserting an extra impurities. The images clearly showed that phosphor atom located in substitutional site among silicon atoms with high nanoscale resolution. Also the mixing of oxygen molecular with cadmium and their locations appear like island. Itʼs applied to study cadmium oxide films deposited on holder surfaces. The simulated images show the main key features of experimental observations, with ability and direct methods for imaging identical theoretically with model of tunneling quantum.

Keywords: 3-Dimension Image, Cadmium Oxide Film, Gold, Graphite, Metal, Morphology, STM, Semiconductor, Silicon Wafer, Surface Topography

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