International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IRJPAP)

EA Journals


Review: Spectral Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data Interpretation (Published)

Spectral analysis of aeromagnetic data interpretation method is a vital tool in the field of geology and geophysics for solid minerals, groundwater, hydrocarbon and geothermal energy exploration. Human existence depends on availability of mineral and their explorations for daily activities in every part of the world. In order to reduce the scarcity of minerals and problems associated with minerals exploration, this paper reviews shed more light on source of data acquisition, data processing and interpretation in respect to the subject matter. Two case studies were considered, the first case study was on the spectral analysis method of aeromagnetic data interpretation in Longuda Plateau and its environs in Adamawa state North Eastern Nigeria. The data of the study area was divided into 16 x16 data points; the data was subjected to 2D Fourier transformation. After the spectral analysis the depth to magnetic sources were discovered ranging from 1900 m to 2620 m at the basement and shallow depth was ranging from 512 m to 670 m magnetic sources. The second case study was on magnetic data processing for hydrocarbon exploration in the Pannonian Basin, Yogoslavia, from the magnetic data analysis, hydrocarbon potential zones were identified.

Citation: Sunday Ayigun., Hamid K. Y and Omoniyi O. Titilola (2022) Review: Spectral Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data Interpretation, International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Vol.9 No.1, pp.1-11

Keywords: Analysis, Exploration, Interpretation, Minerals, aeromagnetic, data, spectral