International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IRJPAP)

EA Journals

Electrostatic Energy


If a particle treated as charged sphere and then equalized its electrostatic energy with its rest energy moc2 then, on the same model we can treat a collection of charges as a sub-atomic particle. So, (in the form of Einstein equation of a sub-atomic particle with classic radius ro)(4) we can put a collection of charges p, – obeying Coulomb force- in a closed sphere with a radius r as; (k e2 ÷ ro) [p ro ÷ r] = m\oc2 + (0).Where; p is the number of the protons inside a sphere with a radius r, e is the magnitude of the charge in coulomb and k is the electric constant. Where also; the factor inside the big bracket = 1, while the small bracket of the right side is not absolutely empty (because it is formed of more than one term although its net result is zero). Our work lies inside this small bracket (that is to analyze the terms inside this small bracket).

Keywords: Electrostatic Energy, Rest Form

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