International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IRJPAP)

EA Journals

The General Unitary Quantum Picture of the World


It seems that the majority of researches have absolutely forgotten the fact that one of the master spirits of contemporary world, A. Einstein, till the end of his life had not adopted the standard quantum mechanics at all. Better to cite his well-known words:  «Great initial success of the quantum theory could not make me believe in a dice game being the basis of it. I do not believe this principal conception being an appropriate foundation for physics as a whole… Physicists think me an old fool, but I am convinced that the future development of physics will go in another direction than heretofore I reject the main idea of modern statistical quantum theory… I’ m quite sure that the existing statistical character of modern quantum theory should be ascribed to the fact that that theory operates with incomplete descriptions of physical systems only.» A.Einstein (back translation).

Keywords: General Unitary, Quantum Picture

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