International Research Journal of Natural Sciences (IRJNS)

EA Journals

Vector-borne diseases

The Relationship Between Climate Change and The Incidence of Infectious Diseases (Published)

Climate change, caused by anthropogenic activities and natural factors, refers to significant alterations in long-term weather patterns, including rainfall, temperature, and wind patterns. These changes result in rising temperatures, heat waves, and increased sea levels, leading to floods in countries like Pakistan and Brazil. Such climatic shifts affect the prevalence, distribution, and severity of infectious diseases, especially vector-borne diseases, by impacting hosts (vectors), pathogens, and transmission environments. The vulnerability of human populations to these diseases can exacerbate or mitigate the impact of climate change. Effective adaptation strategies, such as implementing advanced warning systems and strong disease surveillance using modern technologies, are crucial for reducing the adverse effects of climate change on public health.

Keywords: Adaptation strategies, Anthropogenic Activities, Climate Change, Infectious diseases, Vector-borne diseases

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