This essay explores a refined framework for conceptualizing time as a three-directional construct with orthogonal axes, emphasizing the distinct role of the θτ-plane in causality, potentiality, and the probabilistic evolution of events. Building on prior theories of multi-directional time, this model delineates how temporal axes interact within a six-directional spatio-temporal continuum (3S + 3T) to address the immutability of the past, the fleeting nature of the present, and the probabilistic dynamics of the future. The discussion extends to the mathematical representation of events and their clustering within the future cone, highlighting how probabilities are distributed and realised. This approach also investigates the influence of gravitational effects and disturbances on temporal axes, offering insights into how potentialities may be reshaped without deterministic constraints. By synthesizing concepts from relativity, probability, and three-dimensional time, this model provides a structured, yet flexible framework for interpreting the interconnected nature of time, space, and events. It invites further investigation into its implications for retro-causality, temporal disturbances, and the broader dynamics of the universe.
Keywords: 3S + 3T, Causality, Gravity, Probability, quantum mechanics