International Journal of Weather, Climate Change and Conservation Research (IJWCCCR)

EA Journals

human communities

The Impact of Climate Change on Francolins (Francolin bicalcaratus) habitat Adaptation in the farming Areas of Bangem City, Southwest Region Cameroon (Published)

Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing the natural world today, with far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, wildlife, and human communities alike. Rising global temperatures, shifting precipitation patterns, and more extreme weather events are dramatically altering the environmental conditions that species have adapted to over centuries and millennia. For many vulnerable animal and plant populations, the pace of these changes far exceeds their ability to adapt, putting their long-term survival at risk.  This study investigated the impact of climate change on the habitat adaptation of Francolins (Francolin bicalcaratus), a species of francolin bird found in the farming areas of Bangem. Additionally, Bangem region was selected for this study due to its important Francolin populations as well as the rapidly changing environmental conditions being experienced in this agricultural landscape. The study was conducted over a 5-month period, and research data collection through field observations, and interviews with local farmers and community members. Key parameters measured included changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, vegetation cover, and Francolin population dynamics. This study revealed a significant association of climatic conditions on birds’ aggregation behavior X2=60.861 df6 P=0.000, the social behavior of francolin birds X2=28.861 df9 P=0.001, and human activities in francolin ecosystem r=0.462 P=0.000 respectively. The role of climatic changes on the aggregation behavior of Francolins (Francolin bicalcaratus) has been a subject of increasing research interest, as climate change continues to impact ecosystems worldwide. Also, the study showed an association between climatic conditions and various food consumed by francolin birds X2=161.819 df=12 P=0.000. Additionally, climatic conditions significantly linked with francolins’ vocalization pitch intensity. X2=58.697 df=6 P=0.000. Besides, climatic conditions significantly associated with seasonal changes X2=36.093 df=3 P=0.000. The seasonal changes in the ecosystem of Francolins (Francolin bicalcaratus) are significantly influenced by various climatic factors, such as sunlight, rainfall, cloud cover, and wind patterns. Furthermore, photo-period showed a significant link on climatic conditions X2=37.062 df=3 P=0.000. The day-period changes, including morning and evening hours, in the ecosystem of Francolins (Francolin bicalcaratus) are also influenced by various climatic factors, such as sunlight, rainfall, cloud cover, and wind patterns. The study recommends targeted conservation efforts to protect Francolin habitats, including reforestation initiatives, adjustments to farming practices, and community-based monitoring programs. Continued research is also needed to better understand the long-term impacts of climate change on this and other vulnerable species in the region. Timely interventions will be crucial to ensure the Francolin can adapt and persist in the face of a rapidly changing environment.

Keywords: Aggregation behavior, Climate Change, Francolin population, human communities

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