International Journal of Weather, Climate Change and Conservation Research (IJWCCCR)

EA Journals


Impact of Rainfall Variability on the Yield of Sorghum and Farmers’ Adoption of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices (CSAP) Towards Food Security in Bauchi State, Nigeria (Published)

This study assessed the impact of rainfall variability on the yield of sorghum and farmers’ adoption of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices (CSAP) towards food security in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Rainfall and sorghum yield data for 30 years (1991 – 2021) were used for the study. Three hundred and eighty-two farmers were purposively sampled using Krejcie and Morgan’s sampling method. Questionnaire survey was used to elicit information from the farmers. Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient (r) was used to show the relationship between rainfall variability and the yield of sorghum in the study area. The trend lines of total annual rainfall and sorghum yield data shows an increase in rainfall and increase in the yield of sorghum. Results of the Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient (r) at 0.05 significance level shows an indirect/negative and non-perfect relationship (r=-0.3035) between rainfall and sorghum yield. The results further showed that increase in rainfall amounts led to decrease in sorghum yield at Bauchi; sorghum yield appeared to drop below normal towards the end of the period reviewed. Findings also showed that the farmers in the area adopt CSAP such as: the use of organic manure, mixed cropping, use of improved seed varieties and the application of chemical fertilizer in the production of sorghum and other related crops. The study recommended the establishment of more weather stations for more climatic data generation, seasonal forecast of rainfall characteristics and the adoption of viable CSAP by farmers to enhance productivity and food security.

Keywords: CSAP, Rainfall, Sorghum, Variation, yield

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