International Journal of Weather, Climate Change and Conservation Research (IJWCCCR)

EA Journals

Air Pollution

Does the Legislative Mechanism is Effective in Controlling Air Pollution from China: A Thorough Study (Published)

Air pollution problems in China are related to imperfect legislation and potential integration problems among legislation, plans, and policy-making. The purpose of this study is to make the overall system for prevention and control of air pollution in China understood by a broader audience by providing an overview of air pollution legislation. We present a variety of pieces of legislation at national, local, and international levels, including the Constitution, national laws, national administrative regulations and departmental rules, and local regulations and rules that were selected because of their direct and close relation to the prevention and control of air pollution. We describe history of legislation since 1956 till 2018, and the 12th Five-Year plan on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in Key Regions, and a series of policies on energy conservation, emission reduction, and energy use. Then comment on challenges of defects within the legislation framework and integration problems among legislation, plans, and policies. Finally, we put forward some improvement measures to address the challenges.


Keywords: Air Pollution, environmental policy, legislative mechanism

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