International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education Research (IJVTER)

EA Journals

Role Performance of TLE Supervisors: Its Implications to Supervisory Practices in University Setting


The main purpose of this study is to better understand the practice of instructional supervision by examining supervisors’ perspectives about how they experienced and conceptualised instructional supervision. A descriptive survey and research and development were the method used. Data gathered from a questionnaire, interviews, and policy documents on the role of supervision. The questionnaire included 34 Likert scale items. For each Likert scale item, participants were asked to answer how often they experienced a particular practice as well as the extent to which they agreed that it should be practiced. Sixteen university supervisors/program heads in the different colleges/units participated and were interviewed. The answered questionnaire was also analysed. The roles performed by supervisors were categorized into six areas and rank these role categories in the following order of decreasing average mean value: instructional goals and objectives; other activities, not directly related to supervision; research; improving the curriculum and teaching materials, and improving faculty morale. The findings of this study revealed that there is perfect positive correlation between mean responses of supervisors of colleges and laboratory schools. This study’s findings also highlight a number of problems which are likely to negatively affect the conduct of instructional supervision in the university, thus, the researcher ventured him to develop a supervisory manual to fill in the gaps. The usefulness of the supervisory manual was then assessed by the respondents. The respondents found the material to be useful as revealed by their testimonials. Thus it was concluded that material is suitable in preparing, helping and guiding TLE future supervisors. It was recommended that the school leaders use instructional supervision to improve teaching and learning by providing practising teachers with on-going support and guidance after their initial teacher training programmes, support supervisors in their endeavours like graduate studies. The validated material could be used to supplement the existing material being utilized by the supervisor to help them develop the required competencies and further master their roles and skills required of a supervisor.

Keywords: Department/Program Supervisor, Supervisor Manual, Technology and Livelihood Education, Tle Teachers

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