International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education Research (IJVTER)

EA Journals

practical skills

Development of Module for Practical Skills Delivery in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Leak Detection for Vocational and Technical Education Schools (Published)

The study developed module for teaching leak detection skills in refrigeration and air-conditioning for use in Vocational and Technical Education institutions. To achieve its objectives, descriptive survey design was adopted. A population of 94 respondents (20 lecturers and 74 private industry professionals) of refrigeration and air-conditioning were used. There was no sampling. Five specific purposes and five RQs guided the study. The instrument for data collection was the: “Module for Skill Delivery in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Leak Detection Questionnaire (MSDRALDQ)”. The MSDRALDQ was face validated by three Experts. Cronbach Alpha Coefficient method was used to establish the reliability coefficient index at 0.88. The five stated RQs were analyzed using mean. The findings from the study suggested that the fifty items; and twenty-six steps/tasks identified in clusters for the refrigeration and air-conditioning leak detection module were all accepted. The study recommends that Vocational and Technical Education institutions; and other training centers should adopt the module for teaching skills in leak detection in refrigeration and air-conditioning prevent emission of ozone depleting refrigerants into the atmosphere.


Keywords: development of module, leak detection, practical skills, refrigeration and air-conditioning

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