Current Issues and Challenges in the Acquisition of Office Technology and Management Skills (Published)
It is a well-established fact that advances in technology has affected different professions with a view to meet global trends in higher productivity, speed, networking and excellent packaging. Accomplishing the routine tasks with machines is known as automation. Hence this paper accesses how secretaries have used as a panacea to accelerate their success in the workplace. Their basic activities affected includes: reprography, word processing, organization of meetings amongst others. The paper revealed certain products of automation like: printing, book keeping, payroll, forms management. It also highlighted major challenges of lack of funds, insecurity as having bedeviled office automation. Recommendations made included that secretaries and office technology managers should constantly be retrained to sharpen their equipment handling capacity. It was therefore concluded that it was inevitable for business concerns to continue these changes to enable their secretaries reshape their products to meet global standards.
Keywords: Acquisition, Management Skills, Office, Technology