International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education Research (IJVTER)

EA Journals


Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET): Tool for Combating Insecurity in Nigeria (Published)

In line with UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 1 and 10 which are to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030. Inclusive Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has been observed as one of the ways to achieve participation and inclusion of most Nigerians in legal and meaningful profit-oriented activities to earn their living, eradicate poverty and combat insecurity. TVET is a training programme which equips its recipients with the required skills needed within or for a particular job for self reliance. It is an avenue that could be used to take many people out of poverty and thereby reduce social vices and insecurity in Nigeria. TVET facilitates the advancement or creation of legal business or profit oriented activities. Considering the objectives of TVET in Nigeria, the article therefore identifies and discusses different ways through which inclusive TVET could be implemented to combat insecurity in Nigeria. Inclusive TVET as discussed in this article entails taking into cognizance the unemployed youths, school drop outs, physically challenged, marginalized groups, rural dwellers and retirees and equipping them with the necessary skills needed for self reliance. The article stresses that poverty, inequality and insecurity could be reduced in Nigeria, if the suggested ways of implementing inclusive TVET in this article are adopted and consistently practiced. It recommends among others that, varying modes of TVET delivery options should be accessible to every Nigerian so as to equip them with the necessary skills needed for self reliance in order to enhance wealth creation and reduce poverty, inequality and insecurity in Nigeria.

Keywords: Inclusive TVET, Inequality, Insecurity, Poverty Reduction, Self-reliance