International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education Research (IJVTER)

EA Journals

Basic Electricity

Availability and Utilization of Instructional Facilities for the Teaching of Basic Electricity in Ebonyi State Technical Colleges (Published)

This study investigated the availability and utilization of instructional facilities and material for the effective teaching of Basic Electricity in Ebonyi State technical colleges. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. It was a survey research design and the entire population of Basic Electricity technical teachers together with their SSII and SSIII students with a total of 150 were used.  Due to this size of the population no sampling was carried out. Instrument for data collection was a structured and validated questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of stability 0.86. The questionnaire were distributed by hand and also collected back after completion with the help of three research assistants. Frequency counts and percentages were used to answer research question one while mean ratings were used to answer the second research question. The hypothesis was tested with t-test statistics. The findings revealed that many vital facilities and materials are not available while some available ones are not even effectively utilized for the teaching of Basic electricity. It was therefore recommended that all stake-holders should contribute financially and materially to enhance the effective teaching of basic electricity.

Keywords: Availability, Basic Electricity, Instructional Materials, Teaching, Utilization

Standardization and Indexing Of Basic Electricity Teacher Effectiveness in South Eastern Nigeria (Published)

This study provided Standardization and indexing of Basic Electricity Teachers effectiveness in the South Eastern states of Nigeria through effective classroom interaction analysis techniques. Four research questions and four research hypotheses guided the study. Pre-test, post-test, control group, quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. Samples of 12 teachers and 511 SSII Basic Electricity students were randomly drawn from the population of 57 Basic Electricity Teachers and 932 students. Three validated instruments were used for data collection as follows: Basic Electricity interaction categories (BIC), Basic Electricity Interest Scales (BEIS) and Basic  Electricity Achievement Test (BEAT). They were structured to cover the critical indices and criteria for wholesome teacher effectiveness. The reliability coefficient of the instruments were 0.978, 0.60 and 0.977 respectively. Percentages, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while t-test statistic and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to test the hypotheses  at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed the mean of means of critical teacher effectiveness indices and hence Basic Electricity Teachers’ effectiveness Benchmark was 58.75 score. It was then recommended that the federal and state ministries of education and Teacher Registration council should adopt this benchmark and enforce it for Basic Electricity Teachers recruitment, promotion and other academic/professional awards/rewards. After the efficacy had been established, this benchmark can then be adopted nationally for all teacher effectiveness assessments at all levels of education in Nigeria.

Keywords: Basic Electricity, Classroom Interaction, Indexing, Teacher

Availability and Utilization of Instructional Facilities for the Teaching of Basic Electricity in Ebonyi State Technical Colleges (Published)

This study investigated the availability and utilization of instructional facilities and material for the effective teaching of Basic Electricity in Ebonyi State technical colleges. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. It was a survey research design and the entire population of Basic Electricity technical teachers together with their SSII and SSIII students with a total of 150 were used.  Due to this size of the population no sampling was carried out. Instrument for data collection was a structured and validated questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of stability 0.86. The questionnaire were distributed by hand and also collected back after completion with the help of three research assistants. Frequency counts and percentages were used to answer research question one while mean ratings were used to answer the second research question. The hypothesis was tested with t-test statistics. The findings revealed that many vital facilities and materials are not available while some available ones are not even effectively utilized for the teaching of Basic electricity. It was therefore recommended that all stake-holders should contribute financially and materially to enhance the effective teaching of basic electricity.


Keywords: Availability, Basic Electricity, Instructional Materials, Teaching, Utilization

Standardization and Indexing Of Basic Electricity Teacher Effectiveness in South Eastern Nigeria (Published)

This study provided Standardization and indexing of Basic Electricity Teachers effectiveness in the South Eastern states of Nigeria through effective classroom interaction analysis techniques. Four research questions and four research hypotheses guided the study. Pre-test, post-test, control group, quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. Samples of 12 teachers and 511 SSII Basic Electricity students were randomly drawn from the population of 57 Basic Electricity Teachers and 932 students. Three validated instruments were used for data collection as follows: Basic Electricity interaction categories (BIC), Basic Electricity Interest Scales (BEIS) and Basic Electricity Achievement Test (BEAT). They were structured to cover the critical indices and criteria for wholesome teacher effectiveness. The reliability coefficient of the instruments were 0.978, 0.60 and 0.977 respectively. Percentages, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while t-test statistic and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed the mean of means of critical teacher effectiveness indices and hence Basic Electricity Teachers’ effectiveness Benchmark was 58.75 score. It was then recommended that the federal and state ministries of education and Teacher Registration council should adopt this benchmark and enforce it for Basic Electricity Teachers recruitment, promotion and other academic/professional awards/rewards. After the efficacy had been established, this benchmark can then be adopted nationally for all teacher effectiveness assessments at all levels of education in Nigeria

Keywords: Basic Electricity, Classroom, Education, Indexing, South Eastern Nigeria., Teacher