International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (IJSBER)

EA Journals


Analysis of the Viability of Poultry Enterprises in Imo State, Nigeria (Published)

Against the background of the ban on the importation of poultry products, and growing interest in the local Poultry production, this study looked at the viability of poultry enterprises in Imo State, Nigeria. It specifically analyzed the profit level of these enterprises and estimated their viability using the Benefit-Cost Ratio. Logistic regression technique was used to estimate the determinants of viability of the poultry enterprises in the area.  Sixty Poultry enterprises were randomly selected from Owerri Agricultural Zone of the State and their entrepreneurs interviewed. Data were collected by means of structured questionnaire.  Descriptive statistics, net returns model and Benefit-Cost Ratio were analytical tools used to achieve the objectives of the study. The results showed that males dominated the poultry business in the study area and the average age of the entrepreneurs was 44 years. Majority of the entrepreneurs attained some level of formal education and had average number of employees of about 6 persons. The poultry enterprises in the area were found to be profitable and viable with profit level of N188163.86 and BCR of 1.68.   Sex, marital status, age, farming experience, facility size, returns and access to veterinary services were the determinants of viability of the poultry enterprises in the area. Age of entrepreneur, marital status, facility size, access to veterinary services and returns positively influenced the viability of poultry enterprises in the area. Years of experience of the entrepreneur negatively influenced viability of the poultry enterprises in the study area. The study recommended the encouragement of more females to venture into poultry production. It also advocated the provision of efficiency and easily accessible veterinary services for the poultry farmers in the area. 

Keywords: Imo State, Logistic regression, Poultry Enterprises, Viability, profit

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