International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (IJSBER)

EA Journals

Social Value; Social Mission

Incentives for Social Organisations and Social Value Creation in Southwestern Nigeria (Published)

The growing and persistent socio-economic problems afflicting most societies today is giving impetus to the call for entrepreneurial approaches to solving social and environmental problems This study examined the contributions of social entrepreneurial attributes of selected NGOs to social value creation, most especially on healthcare service-delivery that benefits society at large. Specifically, the influence of attributes such as the adoption of social mission, number of years of service within the study area and their ability to replicate innovations were examined on NGOs ability to create and sustain social values. Census-based surveys of NGOs that provide healthcare services were made, to sample a total of seven registered NGOs utilized for the study. A total number of 548 copies of questionnaire were administered on both the selected NGO officials and their beneficiaries. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistical tools, to identify major characteristics of social entrepreneurship attributes of sampled NGOs. The Chi-square Test of Independence was used to determine the relationship between social entrepreneurial attributes of NGOs and their healthcare service-delivery, while the Cramer’s phi coefficients, Contingency coefficients and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistics were used to confirm the significance of the results. Findings revealed the existence of strong relationships between identified variables and that they are necessary requirements for any organization to create and sustain social values.

Keywords: : Entrepreneurship; Social Entrepreneurship, Networking; Self-sustainability, Social Value; Social Mission, Spatial Coverage

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