International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (IJSBER)

EA Journals

Purchasing power

Entrepreneurial Education: University Current Curriculum must be Restructured To Meet Today’s Employment Needs (Published)

Promoting entrepreneurship is increasingly regarded as a useful tool to fight negative economic and social development among the unemployed youth all over the world. This paper discusses implicit and explicit undergraduate curriculum policies to promote entrepreneurship among the youth especially our army of growing unemployed graduates in the country.

This study was undertaking to determine whether the entrepreneurship skills acquisition programme should be included with the current curriculum of the university undergraduates. Simple statistical tools employed waspercentage ratios based on the raw data generated through the instrument of questionnaire. Analysis of the findings were carried out by employing tables, pie charts e.t.c. to interpret the results of data collected from the respondents.

Discussion of the study involved, demographic response of the respondents table1, respondents response to questions (I &ii) table 2,and table 3 where data frequencies were translated into percentages. While figures 1- 8 using broken pie charts were employed to determine their relativity in terms of findings from each of the covering areas of the research work. Also included in the discussion were sex, marital, education, and age of the respondents.

Respondent’s response to theresearch questions were the basis from which data and findings for this work were generated.

On the role of entrepreneurship policies for employment generation.The paper argued that an effective entrepreneurship policy for a common entrepreneurship curriculum with practical training for the Nigerian University undergraduates is the answer or panacea that could break the element of the vicious circle of unemployment among the youth. For it could generate new jobs and create purchasing power and new economic prosperities


Keywords: : Employment generation, Purchasing power, Undergraduate curriculum

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