International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (IJSBER)

EA Journals

MSMEs development

Optimalization Model of University Business Incubator Role in New Entrepreneur and MSMEs Development in Indonesia (Published)

Business incubators have an important role in the local economy as an outcome of the value creation coming from maintaining and developing micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) which are innovative and growing rapidly. The purpose of this research is to build a model that can be used for the business incubator management process in the universities, thereby getting the optimal role in developing new entrepreneurs and MSMEs, especially in Indonesia. This model is also expected to be used to develop business incubators internationally. The originality of this research lies in the creation of a business incubator role model. The research method uses a literature review of the outcomes of previous studies and of obtaining business incubator information managed by 69 universities in Indonesia. The research is generating a model composed of several stages in order to optimize the role of a university business incubator in dividing the incubation stage into three stages/phases: Pre-Incubation, Incubation, and Post-Incubation.

Keywords: MSMEs development, business incubator, new entrepreneur, university business incubator

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